Issue #34

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Bringing Your Soul to Work:
An Everyday Practice

by Alan Briskin &
Cheryl Peppers

210 pages


Ph: 707-537-1550

Continuing the work begun in Alan Briskin’s The Stirring of Soul in the Workplace Alan and his co-author Cheryl Peppers embark on a pragmatic discourse of plotting the inner terrain of those at work in Bringing Your Soul to Work: An Everyday Practice, “This book addresses what many feel and cannot say out loud,” they begin, “that amidst the frenetic pace and constant urgencies at work, one is often left feeling barren inside. How is it that so much activity can still leave one empty? How can one live more straight from the soul without being an outcast? This book suggests a way to engage an inner dialogue about self and work... [and] we learn not only of an inner wilderness that has pattern and meaning, but also that we are joined with others, and it is through relationship that our souls are shaped and weathered.”

Bringing Your Soul to Work presents the reader with a thoughtful treatise that explores the themes of the multiplicity of self, of role, of shadow and purpose and then illuminates those elements in workplace contexts. The authors use a wide variety of examples from worklife in various challenging situations to illustrate and ground their ideas. They also include reflection and application exercises, making the book a practical tool for the reader to do in-depth exploration for expanded awareness in a work setting. The book thus becomes a guide for navigating the daily challenges of dealing with self and others by incorporating sophisticated psychological work, and thus soul-work, into one's daily worklife.

Alan Briskin consults to individuals and organizations in areas of leadership, work design and learning. He has a PhD in organizational psychology,is on the faculty of Saybrook Graduate School. His co-author, Cheryl Peppers, formerly with Anderson Consulting, consults in the areas of leadership development, strategic vision, and work design.

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