Thursday, February 28, 2008

White Buffalo Day Retreat at Science and Consciousness Conference

On Friday, March 28, 2008, we will be celebrating our Tenth Anniversary International Conference on Science and Consciousness with a special White Buffalo Day all-day retreat.

Meet Beau, the only male non-albino White Buffalo on the planet.

Meet Monte, the colorful buffalo rancher who will share the history of the buffalo, his love of buffalo ranching and stories about Beau.

Participate in a Sacred Pipe Ceremony facilitated by Cloud Eagle (Nambe Kiva War Chief and artist), Raven (Cree/Algonquin), Paula Bidwell (Shawnee) and others.

Join in a Trance Dance to connect with all our relations and a "Making Relatives" Ceremony with Brooke Medicine Eagle (Crow, Lakota, Cherokee), author, "Buffalo Woman Comes singing" and "The Last Ghost Dance," songwriter, sacred ecologist.

Make tobacco ties (Prayer Bundles) to gift to Beau, the White Buffalo.

Experience a sacred healing ceremony with Zorigtbaatar Banzar and Bayarmaa Osor from Mongolia. Zorigtbaatar is Chief Shaman and Bayarmaa is a Medicine Shaman.

Enjoy the White Buffalo Dance performed by T.E.W.A. Dance Troupe (Nambe).
Listen to a Native American Elder telling the "White Buffalo Calf Woman" story.
Hear Sky Red Hawk (Lakota), Native American flute player.

...and other activities during the day.

At the full Tenth International Conference on Science and Consciousness in Santa Fe, New Mexico USA, March 28 - April 2, 2008, explore the frontier where Science and Spirituality meet. Join with leading scientists, healers, psychologists, biophysicists, and visionaries such as Rupert Sheldrake, Steven Greer, Peter Russell, Dannion Brinkley and Richard Moss to explore topics in Consciousness and Quantum Theory, Unity Consciousness, Healing, Energy Fields, Intuition, Dreams, Contemplation, Creativity, Altered States, Intentionality and Communication.

AND - 24 CEs will be available for those who need them.

For more information, visit the International Conference on Science and Consciousness.

Leonid Sharashkin at Science and Consciousness Conference: the Natural Environment as an Extension of Self

Leonid Sharashkin will be presenting a workshop at the Tenth International Conference on Science and Consciousness in Santa Fe, New Mexico USA, March 28 - April 2, 2008.

Leonid Sharashkin is editor of the Anastasia (Ringing Cedars) series of books by Vladimir Megre. After obtaining a Master's degree in natural resource conservation, Leonid worked as Program Manager at World Wildlife Fund in Moscow, Russia, where he also edited Russia's largest environmental magazine. He translated into Russian a number of books, including Tompkins's and Bird's "The Secret Life of Plants" and Schumacher's "Small is Beautiful."

Leonid will be offering a workshop entitled "Ancient Roots, Modern Shoots: Seeing Your Natural Environment as an Extension of Your Self."

Ancient wisdom holds that body and psyche are intricately linked to the living environment and that contact with nature is essential for bodily and mental well-being. Modern research offers insights into why this is the case, and what practical steps we can take to establish a reciprocal flow of nourishment and energy from humans to our environment.

This workshop introduces you to the concept that a human organism stretches far beyond the physical body. Learn how our ancestors in different cultures viewed humans as inseparable from their environment, and learn practical ways to apply this understanding in everyday life.

Ringing Cedars online

Other esteemed presenters at the conference include Guy Finley, Angela Browne-Miller, Steven Greer, Richard Moss, Olga Kharitidi, Peter Russell, Leonard Shlain, Brooke Medicine Eagle, Rupert Sheldrake, Hank Wesselman and many others.

For more information, visit the International Conference on Science and Consciousness.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Dannion Brinkley at Science and Consciousness Conference, speaking on his multiple Near Death Experiences

Dannion Brinkley will be giving both a keynote and a workshop at the Tenth International Conference on Science and Consciousness in Santa Fe, New Mexico USA, March 28 - April 2, 2008.

Dannion is author of Saved by the Light, Peace in the Light and The Secrets of the Light: Spiritual Strategies to Empower Your Life... Here and in the Hereafter. All three books are based on Dannion's unprecedented adventures during his multiple near-death experiences.

After being struck by a bolt of lightning at the age of 25, Dannion found himself traveling down a tunnel and into a brilliant Light. There he witnessed a panoramic review of his entire life on Earth, and then he was taken to a luminous Crystal City. Within a celestial Hall of Knowledge, Thirteen Beings of Light infused Dannion's consciousness with many visions of the world to come, and charged him with the spiritual mission of establishing Healing Centers on the Earth. Twenty-eight minutes later, against his will, Dannion was returned to his lifeless body. Since that fateful evening in 1975, Dannion has been on an incomparable spiritual odyssey.

Today, he is revered as 'one of the greatest orators of our time' offering a message of great hope and courage to audiences worldwide. His message is timely, beautifully and true: There is no such thing as death!

Dannion will be offering a keynote address titled "A Spiritual Perspective on Modern Science." Dannion tells the story of his death by lightning in 1975. He will delineate the scientific explanation of the spiritual journey he consciously experienced after his body was pronounced clinically dead, and remained so for 28 minutes. Learn the scientific process by which we are all transported from the physical world back into the spiritual realms, the true meaning and purpose behind life on Earth, and the spiritual reality of eternity, for there is no such thing as death.

Dannion will also be offering a workshop "How the Near Death Experience Redefines End-of-Life and End-of-Life Care" at the conference. Baby Boomers are the largest segment of our country's current population. Assisting our parents, spouses, siblings and children to make their transition from this world to the next, is a physical reality each of us is eventually going to have to face. Modern science has enhanced our longevity and quality of life, but in many ways it may actually be hindering our ability to fully embrace the deeply spiritual nature and flow of life into death.

Dannion will spiritually illuminate the dying process, and underscore the acceptance of death as a natural and celebratory part of the circle of life. He will emphasize the importance of volunteering as a form of spiritual activism, and share tools to help promote the health and well-being of the caretaker, as well as ways to achieve life closure for those in active transition.

Dannion Brinkley online

Other esteemed presenters at the conference include Guy Finley, Angela Browne-Miller, Steven Greer, Richard Moss, Olga Kharitidi, Peter Russell, Leonard Shlain, Brooke Medicine Eagle, Rupert Sheldrake, Hank Wesselman and many others.

For more information, visit the International Conference on Science and Consciousness.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Rupert Sheldrake at Science and Consciousness Conference: "Memory and Morphic Resonance"

Rupert Sheldrake will be giving both a keynote and a workshop at the Tenth International Conference on Science and Consciousness in Santa Fe, New Mexico USA, March 28 - April 2, 2008.

Rupert Sheldrake, PhD is a biologist and the author of "The Presence of the Past: Morphic Resonance and the Habits of Nature," "The Sense of Being Stared At and Other Aspects of the Extended Mind" and many other books. He was Director of Studies in Cell Biology at Cambridge and was a Research Fellow of the Royal Society.

Rupert will be offering a keynote address titled "Memory and Morphic Resonance." According to the hypothesis of formative causation, all self-organizing systems, including crystals, organisms and societies are organized by morphic fields containing an inherent memory, given by a process called morphic resonance from previous similar systems. Nature is not governed by fixed laws but by habits. By this process, all human beings draw upon a collective human memory, similar to Jung’s collective unconscious, and in turn contribute to it. Even individual memory depends on morphic resonance rather than on physical memory traces stored within the brain. This radical hypothesis has many implications for our understanding of human and animal nature.

Rupert will also be offering a workshop "Fields of the Mind: Experimental Research and Practical Intuition" at the conference. Our minds seem to extend far beyond our brains. Recent experimental results show that people can influence others at a distance just by looking at them, even when all normal sensory clues are eliminated. The mind reaches out to touch the focus of its attention. Rupert suggests that this happens through mental fields. Such fields are also involved in the projection of intentions, which can be detected telepathically at a distance, as shown in experiments with dogs that know when their owners are coming home, and on people's ability to anticipate who is about to call. Telepathy seems to be normal, rather than paranormal, and is widespread in the animal kingdom.

In this workshop, you will do simple experiments to explore how the fields of our minds extend beyond our bodies through attention and intention. Rupert will also discuss how individual and collective memory depend on a kind of resonance - morphic resonance - with the past, and show how our minds link us to events that have not yet happened. Intuition can be of great practical importance, and is rooted in our evolutionary history.

Rupert Sheldrake online

Other esteemed presenters at the conference include Dannion Brinkley, Guy Finley, Angela Browne-Miller, Steven Greer, Richard Moss, Olga Kharitidi, Peter Russell, Leonard Shlain, Brooke Medicine Eagle, Hank Wesselman and many others.

For more information, visit the International Conference on Science and Consciousness.