Confirmed Presenters:
Huston Smith

full bio
PhD, author, The Religions of Man, Forgotten Truth: The Primordial
Tradition and Beyond the Postmodern Mind
Keynote: The Way Things Are
Workshop: The Way Things Are and More: A Conversation with
Huston Smith
Click Here for Press Release about Huston Smith
Peter Russell

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DCS Computer Science, author, The Brain Book, Waking Up In Time,
The Global Brain Awakens, The Consciousness Revolution, From
Science to God and others
Keynote: The Essence of Consciousness
Workshop: The Art of Letting Go
Click Here for Press Release about Peter Russell
Danah Zohar

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PhD, scientist, philosopher, author, The Quantum Self, The Quantum
Society,Through the Time Barrier: A Study of Precognition and
Modern Physics and many other books
Keynote: Spiritual Capital Wealth We Can Live By
Workshop: Further Explorations of Spiritual Capital
Click Here for Press Release about Danah Zohar
Raymond Moody

full bio
MD, PhD, author, Life After Life, Laugh After Laugh, Life After Loss,
Reunions and five other books, researcher, the Near Death Experience
(he coined the phrase) and dealing with grief and the effects of
laughter on illness, Chair of Consciousness Studies at University of Nevada
Keynote: New Visions Of Life after Death
Workshop: Nonsense and the Next Life
Click Here for Press Release about Raymond Moody
PhD, founder of Quantum Psychology, author, Trances People Live,
Quantum Consciousness, I Am That I Am, You Are Not, Walden III:
In Search of a Utopian Nirvana and eight other books, Gestalt and
Reichian therapist, trained in classical hypnosis, psychosynthesis
and transactional analysis
Keynote: The Science of Spirituality
Workshop: Experiencing the Science of Spirituality
Click Here for Press Release about Stephen Wolinsky
Judith Orloff

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MD, board certified psychiatrist and practicing intuitive, author,
Positive Energy, Guide to Intuitive Healing, Second Sight and others
Workshop: The Power of Your Intuition and Positive Energy to Heal
Workshop: How Intuition Can Help Us Better Understand Death and Dying
Click Here for Press Release about Judith Orloff
Don Campbell
Composer, author, The Mozart Effect, Introduction to the Musical
Brain, and The Mozart Effect for Children
Keynote: Music, Healthcare and Consciousness
Workshop: The Powerful Ear and the Mystery of Music
Alan Wallace

full bio
PhD, interpreter for H.H. The Dalai Lama, author, Buddhism and Science,
Choosing Reality: A Buddhist View of Physics and The Mind, The Taboo
of Subjectivity: Toward a New Science of Consciousness and many other
Workshop: Outer Space, Inner Space and Nondual Space
Don Beck

PhD, founder, National Values Center, author, Spiral Dynamics:
Mastering Values, Leadership and Change
Workshop: Spiral Dynamics: The Master Consciousness Maker
Click Here for Press Release about Don Beck
Russell Targ
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Jane Katra
full bio
former senior research physicist, Stanford Research Institute, coauthor,
Mind Race, Mind-Reach, The Role of Consciousness in the Physical World
and Miracles of Mind: Exploring Non-local Consciousness and Spiritual
Workshop: The Scientific and Spiritual Implications of Psychic Abilities.
PhD, coauthor, Miracles of Mind: Exploring Non-Local Consciousness,
Spiritual Healing and The Heart of the Mind: How to Experience God
Without Belief, energy and spiritual healer
Workshop: Spiritual Healing as a Transformation of Consciousness:
An Experiential Workshop
Amit Goswami
PhD Physics, founder, Science within Consciousness Bulletin, author,
Quantum Mechanics, The Self Aware Universe: How Consciousness Creates
the Material World, The Visionary Window: A Quantum Physicists
Guide to Enlightenment and Physics of the Soul
MD, psychiatrist, researcher, Indian Council of Medical Research, faculty,
Yoga Biomedical Trust, classical Indian Bharatnatyam dancer
Workshop: Supramental Intelligence and Transformation of Emotions
Workshop: Creativity and Quantum Healing
Duane Elgin

full bio
MBA, educator, media activist, author, Awakening Earth: Exploring
the Evolution of Human Culture and Consciousness, Global
Consciousness Change: Indicators of an Emerging Paradigm,
Collective Consciousness and Cultural Healing and Voluntary Simplicity,
former senior scientist, SRI International
Workshop: Living in a Living Universe
Ilana Rubenfeld

full bio
PhD, creator and founder, Rubenfeld Synergy Method, Juilliard
trained music conductor, author, The Listening Hand: Self-Healing
through the Rubenfeld Synergy Method of Talk and Touch and
Ushering in a Century of Integration
Workshop: The Seven Steps for Changing and Healing the Emotional Body
Workshop: Humor and Other Martial Arts: The Body Tells the Truth
Brian OLeary

full bio
PhD Astronomy, former NASA astronaut, author, Exploring Inner
and Outer Space, The Second Coming of Science and Miracle in the
Void, cofounder, International Association for New Science
Workshop: Re-inheriting the Earth: Conscious Solutions to Global Problems
Carlos Warter

full bio
MD, PhD, transpersonal psychiatrist, alternative healing pioneer, author,
Recovery of the Sacred, Despertar, Who Do You Think You Are? and
Pathways to the Soul
Workshop: The Genome Impact to Spiritual Transformation
Bruce Lipton

full bio
PhD, developmental Cell Biology, Director, Institute for Cellular
Communication, researcher of the biochemical pathways connecting the
mind and body that provide insight into the molecular basis of
consciousness, author, The Biology of Consciusness, Muscle Regeneration
and Basic Histology
Workshop: The Secret of Life
and Other Amusing Biological Realities
Click Here for Press Release about Bruce Lipton
Christine Page

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MD, Homeopath, author, Frontiers of Health, Beyond the Obvious,
Mind Body Spirit Workbook, Spiritual Alchemy and others
Workshop: Soul Navigation: Enhancing the Power of the Intuition
Saniel Bonder

full bio
pioneer of a practical science of mutual whole-being enlightenment,
founder of the Waking Down spiritual work, author of Waking Down:
Beyond Hypermasculine Dharmas, Healing the Spirit/Matter Split, Great
Relief: When the Core Wound of Your Existence Becomes Conscious and
The Tantra of Trust: Skilled and Superlative Intimate Sexual Partnership
for 21st Century Woman and Man
Workshop: Quantum Vision and Quantum Love: The Art and Science of
Awakened Living in the 21st Century
Workshop: 21st Century Woman and Man:
Diamond Cornerstone Skills Required for Living in the New Millennium
Founder, The Energy Medicine Institute, coauthor, Energy
Workshop: Energy Medicine: A Hands-On Experience
Click Here for Press Release about Donna Eden
Glen Rein

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Maria Rein Syldona

full bio
PhD, founder/CEO, Quantum Biology Research Lab, author, Quantum
Biology: Healing with Subtle Energy
PhD, founder and director, Transpersonal MindBody Healing Center,
researcher, subtle energies and energy medicine
Workshop: Integral Science: An Eastern and Western Perspective on the
Role of the Mind and Prana in Psycho-Spiritual Development
Workshop: Holistic & Experimental Approach to the Study of Psychospiritual Healing
Steven Halpern

full bio
PhD Music Psychology, Composer, recording artist, President, Inner Peace
Music, author, Sound Health, Sound Matters and Sound, Stress and Inner
Evening Event: An Interactive Healing Concert for Inner and Outer Peace
Workshop: Exploring the Healing Power of Music
Click Here for Press Release about Steven Halpern
Dale Pond

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engineer, inventor, author, Physics of Love, Universal Laws Never
Before Revealed: Keelys Secrets and Nikola Teslas Earthquake Machine,
reinvented the Musical Dynasphere to harness mind force
Workshop: Activating Your Power to Create
Howard Martin

full bio
coauthor, The Heartmath Solution New discoveries now reveal that within
each of us there exists an organizing and central intelligence that can lift
us beyond our problems and into a new experience of fulfillment even in
the midst of chaos. Its a high-speed, intuitive source of wisdom and
clear perception, an intelligence that embraces and fosters both mental
and emotional intelligence. We call it heart intelligence.
Doc Childre & Howard Martin
Workshop: The Intelligent Heart
Click Here for Press Release about Howard Martin
Ayurvedic Physician, founder, The Ayurvedic Institute, author Ayurveda:
The Science of Self-Healing, An Ayurvedic Guide to Herbal Medicine,
Cooking for Self Healing, Secrets of the Pulse: The Ancient Art of
Ayurvedic Pulse Diagnosis, Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies,
Textbook of Ayurveda: Fundamental Principles of Ayurveda, and
Ayurveda: The Science of Life
Workshop: States of Consciousness in Ayurveda and Vedic Thought
Workshop: Exploring the Shad Darshan: The Seven Classical Systems of
Vedic Thought Explaining the Nature of Existence
PhD, Director, St. Petersburg Research Center on Medical and Biological
Engineering, editor, Journal of Consciousness and Physical Reality,
inventor, Gas Discharge Visualization instrument, professor, Academy of
Natural Medicine, researcher, Leningrad Polytechnical Institute, author,
Light After Life and Aura and Consciousness
Workshop: Consciousness and the Human Energy Field: Exploration and
Workshop: Experimental Study of Altered States of Consciousness in
Different Applications
PhD, founder, School for Self-Healing, author Self-Healing:
My Life and Vision, The Handbook for Self-Healing, Meir Schneiders
Miracle Eyesight Method and Yoga for the Eyes, after reading Braille
until age 17, Meir overcame blindness caused by congenital cataracts,
glaucoma and other serious problems, today holds an unrestricted drivers
Workshop: Natural Vision Improvement Through Eye Exercises
Workshop: Self-Healing Through Movement
Click Here for Press Release about Meir Schneider
Vinicius Braga
Martins da Costa

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Olga Kharitidi

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MD, researcher of healing approaches from different cultures about
the transformation of trauma, author, Entering the Circle: Ancient Secrets
of Siberian Wisdom Discovered by a Russian Psychiatrist and The Master
of Lucid Dreams
Workshop: Transformation Of Trauma
Click Here for Press Release about Olga Kharitidi
Mitchell Gibson
MD, forensic psychiatrist, writer, artist, software developer, Clinical Professor
of Medicine and Psychiatry, author, Signs of Mental Illness, Signs of Psychic
and Spiritual Ability and Mission Impossible
Workshop: The Living Soul

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Onye Onyemaechi

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Candace Pert

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Debbie &
Carlos Rosas
Greg Tamblyn

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Joe Miquez

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Certified Tai Chi Chih instructor, host of PBS television series Tai
Chi Chih: Joy through Movement
Early Morning: Tai Chi Chih: Joy through Movement
Margo Gray
No Photo
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Maboud Swierkosz

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Tara Andrea Swierkosz

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