Andrew Harvey
Andrew Harvey was born in South India and lived there until he was nine years old, a period he credits with shaping his vision of the inner unity of all religions. He left India to attend private school in England, and then entered Oxford University to study history.
After Harvey became disillusioned with life at Oxford, he returned to India to begin his spiritual search. He has continued to study a variety of religions including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity. Harvey has written and edited over 30 books including Mary's Vineyard, A Journey to Ladakh, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying (coauthored with Sogyal Rinpoche), Dialogues with a Modern Mystic, The Way of Passion: A Celebration of Rumi, Hidden Journey, and Son of Man.
He was the subject of the 1993 BBC documentary The Making of a Mystic. Currently Andrew Harvey is collaborating to establish The Global Interfaith Center.
PreConference All-Day Retreat Embodying the Light: Practices for Tantric Tenderness
Friday, January 19, 2007
New Mexico Room 9:00pm to 5:00pm
Andrew believes that the purpose of mystical discipline is to embody the light. From this radical embodiment of divine presence and from authentic sexual liberation flow what he calls Tantric tenderness - a warm lucid love for all life and all sentient beings that can be both sexual and non-sexual.
For several years now Andrew Harvey has been working on a marriage between physical yoga and mystical practice and will share the sequences of asanas, prayers, visualizations, and meditations that he believes open up most completely the energies of Tantric tenderness and give access to its joy power.
To help people understand what Tantric tenderness is and give them techniques to help realize and sustain it.
Learning Objectives:
To help people understand the link between authentic sexual liberation and the tender love for all life,
To help people awaken and recognize Tantric tenderness, and
To help people to find and develop those practices that sustain Tantric tenderness that are most attuned to their own minds and bodies.
Register for this Pre-Conference Now!
Keynote: Sexual Liberation, Tantra, and Sacred Activism
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Ballroom 2:00pm to 3:00pm
Andrew Harvey will show that sexual liberation and Tantra are vital parts of the Divine Mother's plan for the birth of a new humanity, since they make possible a profound and ecstatic contact with what Andrew calls Divine Eros - a tender passionate dynamic love-connection. True Tantric sexuality gives its' practioners access to extraordinary and unified energies which will form the base of a commitment to Sacred Activism.
To help people understand how Tantric sexuality can provide boundless energy for Sacred Activism.
Learning Objectives:
To teach the link between sexual liberation and the return of the Divine Feminine.
To make clear how Tantric sexuality unleashes hidden energy.
To describe what the Tantric divine human being will enjoy in a liberated state.
Workshop: Gay Mysticism
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Ballroom 10:45am to 12 noon
Harvey unveils in detail his vision of the gay mystical tradition, a tradition that embraces many different cultures, religions, and mystical schools. He will pay focused attention to the gay traditions celebration of Tantra and of divine sexuality and will pay a special tribute to Walt Whitman and his glorification of erotic male love as the glue that keeps sacred democracy together.
To give people a clear vision of the range and depth of the gay mystical tradition.
Learning Objectives:
To make people aware of the major gay mystics in the various religions.
To make people aware of both the similarities and the differences
between these mystics.
