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Sandra Ingerman

Sandra Ingerman

Sandra Ingerman,
author, Soul Retrieval, Welcome Home, A Fall to Grace, Shamanic Journeying and Medicine for the Earth.

Sandra Ingerman is a world-renowned teacher of shamanism. She is recognized for bridging ancient cross-cultural healing methods into our modern culture and addressing the needs of our times.  

A licensed therapist, she is the author of Soul Retrieval, Welcome Home, A Fall to Grace, Shamanic Journeying: A Beginner’s Guide  and Medicine for the Earth: How to Transform Personal and Environmental Toxins.

All Day Retreat : The Shamanic Journey:  Spiritual Guidance for the Coming Times

Friday, January 19, 2007
Ballroom   9:00am to 5:00pm 

Shamanism is the oldest spiritual practice known to humankind. A core shamanic practice is the shamanic journey, a method for traveling to the "invisible worlds" beyond ordinary reality. Using the shamanic journey we can meet up with our own helping spirits who can help us unlock answers to difficult personal questions and mobilize energy for reaching goals in everyday life. 

The world around us is changing rapidly. And it is important to learn how to stay centered amidst all the changes and how to find inner peace and live from a place of harmony.  

During this workshop Sandra will initiate participants into shamanic journeying. Drumming will be used to aid us in experiencing the shamanic state of consciousness and for awakening spiritual abilities. The journeys will include finding your own helping spirits as well as a variety of journeys to help us learn how to communicate with the forces of nature around us. 

We will use the shamanic journey to realign ourselves with the forces and cycles of nature and come to understand how these connections can bring harmony and health into our lives.  

Please bring: a drum or rattle if you have one, a blanket to lie on, a bandana or scarf to put over your eyes to block out light, and a notebook and pen to take notes with.

Goal: To teach you the practice of shamanic journeying so you can receive
 spiritual guidance to enhance and thrive in your life.

Learning  Objectives:

• Apply  shamanic journey skills to everyday life,
• Experience how to receive spiritual guidance for personal problem
solving, and
• Identify the importance of connecting with nature and its cycles and
how to do this.

Keynote Address: The Power of Shamanism to Heal

Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Ballroom 9:00am  to 10:15am

Shamanism is the oldest practice known to humankind dating back tens of thousands of years. The practice is still alive today and very relevant in healing illness and personal and planetary problems. 

In this program, Sandra speaks about the key elements of the practice of shamanism and how it is being used today to help people work on personal issues, how it is being used to heal trauma and emotional and physical illness.

She also shares how  shamanism can be used to help deal with the planetary challenges we are all facing. 

Goal: To share how shamans around the world view illness. 

Learning Objectives:

• To understand how to work with trauma on a spiritual level,
• To learn how shamanism can be used today to work with current planetary
challenges, and
• To understand how shamans work in the non-ordinary realms.


Workshop: Medicine for the Earth

Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Ballroom   2:00pm  to 4:30pm

Sandra contends that we can reverse environmental and personal toxins through the use of spiritual methods.  

Sandra researched miracles from shamanic cultures, Bible, Kabbalah and various Taoist, Hindu, yogic, alchemical and Egyptian works. She will share key principles used to heal our environment. Sandra will share her experimental research working with polluted water, soil and food. She will also talk about her collaborative effort with the University of Michigan School of Integrative Medicine to see the effects of her work on the human body.
 Sandra will teach simple spiritual practices to transform negative states of consciousness. We will perform a healing ceremony to tap into our divine nature for the purpose of personal and planetary healing.
 Goal: To show participants how the spiritual work we do effects our own health as well as the health of the planet.

Learning Objectives:  

• How to transform negative states of consciousness,  • How to use the power of words to create a different world, and  • How to find your own inner light to heal yourself and the environment.


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4 Camino Azul
Santa Fe, NM 87508 USA
Phone: 505-474-0998
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