Christine Stevens
Holding masters degrees in both social work and music therapy, Christine inspires people all over the world with her message of musical empowerment for mind-body wellness.
Christine is a member of a leading research team, led by Barry Bittman, MD, whose work on reducing employee burnout with group drumming has been published in the journal Advances in Mind-Body Medicine. Christine was also recently named to the editorial board of Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing.
A prolific writer, Christine’s book and companion CD/DVD, The Art and Heart of Drum Circles, inspires individuals all over the world. A contributing author for Yoga Times, Christine writes about the power of music as a wellness strategy for holistic health.
As a consultant to Remo, the world’s largest drum company, Christine trains health-care professionals in the HealthRHYTHM group drumming protocol. She also created The Healing Drum Kit. A pioneer in the music and wellness movement, Christine also serves as a consultant to the Mind-Body Wellness Center and the Wellness Committee of the Percussive Arts Society. She serves on the board of Explore: A Journal of Science and Healing and is an advisory member of the Drum Circle Facilitators Guild.
www.ubdrumcircles.com - www.remo.com/health
Keynote: Rhythm Salam: Cross-Cultural Applications of Peace-Making
Could music be the language of diplomacy? Last year the beat of war transformed into the beat of healing, as music therapist Christine Stevens led the first drum circle training program in a war-zone in northern Iraq. Based upon scientific research of group drumming for reducing stress and healing, the program demonstrated the powerful effect that collaboration and cultural sharing models can have in conflict resolution, empowerment, peace making, and rehabilitation.
Goal: To demonstrate the use of drumming for self-care, healing therapy, reducing stress and conflict resolution.
Learning Objectives:
- To learn and demonstrate knowledge of the three medical outcomes in major research studies on drumming,
- To learn and demonstrate knowledge of the seven proven health strategies woven into group drumming, and
- To learn the history of drumming as an indigenous healing art form.
Workshop: Awakened Soul: Universal Principles for Sound Healing
Monday, November 17 - 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm and 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Join Christine in activating your highest creative potential and elevate your personal practice. You’ll use sound healing techniques from the ancients, integrated with cutting edge scientific research on drum circles. You’ll learn how to manifest and facilitate healing, wholeness and joy through rhythm in ‘one to one’ and group sessions. No prior musical experience necessary. Drums and percussion instruments provided by Remo and you’re invited to bring your own.
Goal: To assist participants in discovering how to incorporate the healing aspects of drumming in their lives.
Learning Objectives:
- To learn to properly hold and play frame drum for self-care and healing,
- To acquire the ability to name three key elements of sound healing through rhythm, and
- To gain knowledge of the seven proven health strategies woven into group drumming.