Confirmed Presenters
Keynote Speakers
Don Campbell - Full Bio
composer, author, The Mozart Effect, Introduction to the Musical Brain, The Mozart Effect for Children and many others, is a recognized authority on the transformative power of music, listening and “The Mozart Effect”
Keynote: From the Big Bang to Harmonic Healing: Awakening the Spirit of Sound
Workshop: Advanced Healing Techniques for the Voice

David Hykes - Full Bio
composer, singer, contemplative awareness teacher, founder of the contemplative "music of the spheres" Harmonic Chant and the Harmonic Presence work, a comprehensive system of harmonic knowledge linking Mind, Music, Meditation and Medicine; one of the earliest modern pioneers of harmonic knowledge, creator of the Harmonic Presence Foundation, helping to organize the earliest collaborations in the US with H.H. the Dalai Lama and the Gyuto Monks, faculty member of the Mind and Life Institute: a contemplative neuroscience research organization, composer of 12 albums of music, publisher of numerous written and recorded teachings, and the articles "Pilgrim Movements"; "Harmonic Chant: Global Sacred Music" and "A Search for Awakened Listening", earliest modern American master of throat singing, his Taos Pueblo godmother told him "We gave you the privilege to sing."
Pre-Conference All-Day Retreat: The Harmonic Presence Work and Harmonic Chant: Visions, Resonances, Perspectives and Possibilities
Keynote: Mind, Meditation, Sacred Music and Healing
Evening Event: Harmonic Chant: Music from the Heart of the Cosmos
Workshop: The Harmonic Presence Work and Harmonic Chant: Reattunement to the Pure Primordial State

Chris James - Full Bio
pioneer in voice and sound work from Australia, singer, musician, martial artist, monk, voice therapist, his CDs are played in prenatal courses, birthing suites, doctor’s surgeries, hospital emergency wards, hospices and medical clinics, his extraordinary voice and vocal range open the heart and soul, founder, International School of Sacred Sound, founder, The Sound Foundation
Keynote: Songs from the Inner Heart
Workshop: The Healing Power of Esoteric Sound

Tom Kenyon - Full Bio
scientist, sound healer, psychotherapist, musician, songwriter, singer, shaman, author, The Alchemies of Horus and The Sex Magic of Isis, The Hathor Material, Brain States and Mind, moves with equal facility between Tibetan Buddhism, Egyptian High Alchemy, Taoism and Hinduism and the sciences relative to each leaving you empowered with a vast body of knowledge suffused with tones that awaken all the physical centers, thus allowing for greater understanding of the words and Spirit imparted
Keynote: Sound of the Nagual: The Use of Sound in Shamanic Healing
Workshop: The Portal: An Experience in Shamanic Sound Work

Nikolay Oorzhak - Full Bio
hereditary shaman from Tuva (Southern Siberia, Russia), virtuoso of throat singing, healer, musician, recording artist, ex-Chairman of Tuvan shaman society Tos-Deer, cofounder of ensembles Tuva and Ertinelig Tuva, coauthor, Un-Hun: System of Sound Healing and Spiritual Development
Pre-Conference All-Day Retreat: Un-Hun: The Shamanic Throat Singing System for Healing and Personal Development
Workshop: The Healing Power of Throat Overtone Sounds in Tuvan Shamanic Tradition
Evening Performance: The Soul of Sound: A Voice Healing Ceremony Based on Tuvan Shamanic Throat Singing

Jill Purce - Full Bio
pioneered the sound healing movement through her rediscovery of ancient vocal techniques, introduced Mongolian overtone chanting to the West, author, The Mystic Spiral: Journey of the Soul
Keynote: The Magic of Voice: Resonance and Liberation Through Sound
Workshop: The Healing of Voice: Ritual, Resonance and Re-Enchantment
Post Conference 1: The Healing Voice Intensive
Post Conference 2: Ritual and Resonance: The HealingVoice

Christine Stevens, MA - Full Bio
MA Music Therapy, author, The Art and Heart of Drum Circles, creator, The Healing Drum Kit, consultant to Remo (the world’s largest drum company), trains health-care professionals in HealthRhythyms group drumming, consultant, Percussive Arts Society, advisor, Drum Circle Facilitators Guild
Keynote: Rhythm Salam: Cross-Cultural Applications of Peace-Making
Workshop: The Healing Drum: The Rhythms of Life, Spirit and the World
Workshop Speakers
Kim Atkinson - Full Bio
Kim Atkinson, master drummer and percussion facilitator; studied Nigerian, Ghanaian, Congolese, Cuban and Brazilian drumming and Yoruba, Buddhist, Vedic and Taoist spirituality; facilitated 4,000 drummers (Guinness World Record for the most people playing the same song) for Mickey Hart’s Planet Drum
Joel Andrews, MM - Full Bio
harpist, composer, pioneer music healer, author, A Harp Full of Stars, producer of 33 recordings including collaborations with Paul Horn and the Paul Winter consort
Workshop: Advanced Music Healing

Donna Carey, PhD, LAc - Full Bio
cofounder, Kairos Institute of Sound Healing, licensed acupuncturist, herbalist, sound healer, Clinical Dean, Northwest Institute of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, coauthor, Acutonics: There’s No Place Like Om, Sound Healing, Oriental Medicine and the Cosmic Mysteries and Acutonics: From Galaxies to Cells
Workshop: Frequency and Physiology: The Healing Power of Sound

Toby Christensen - Full Bio
The Healing Drummer, part rock drummer/part ancient healer, childhood drumming prodigy, studied with the Dagara of Burkina Faso, inventor, Sound Attunement Therapy, inventor Crystal Healing Bed, producer 5 Element Drumming DVD

Roxanne Daleo - Full Bio
founder, MindWorks for Children, offering sonic solutions for stress management, biofeedback training and cognitive/behavioral therapy, helping children with anxiety, fear, depression, pain, sleep disturbances and behavioral disorders
Workshop: Open a Child’s Mind To the Power Within: The Use of Guided Imagery and Music for Hospitalized Children and Families
James D’Angelo, MMus, PhD Music Composition - Full Bio
author, The Healing Power of The Human Voice, composer, Portraits of Krishna, pianist
Workshop: Awakening Chakra Energy through Sound and Meditation
Dorinne Davis, MA, CC-A, FAAA - Full Bio
Educational and Rehabilitative Audiologist, founder, The Davis Center for Hearing, Speech and Learning, associate, BioAcoustics Research, certified practitioner in Berard Auditory Integration Training, Tomatis, Fast ForWord Language, The Listening Program, Read- Spell-Comprehend, Samonas, Interactive Metronome, Earobics, Lipreading, Aural Rehabilitation and other sound-based therapies, author, Sound Bodies Through Sound Therapy and Every Day A Miracle: Success Stories with Sound Therapy
Workshop: Supporting Natural Self Healing with Sound-Based Therapies
Sharry Edwards - Full Bio
director, Sound Health Research Institute, author, Decloaking Pathogens with Low- Frequency Sound, researcher, Human BioAcoustics
Workshop: Is Frequency the New Medicine or An Ancient Mystery Revealed?

Ellen Franklin, PhD - Full Bio
CEO, Kairos Institute of Sound Healing, co creator of Acutonics System Healing and Education, creating a new training program for Equine Acutonics
Workshop: Frequency and Physiology: the Healing Power of Sound
Chloe Goodchild - Full Bio
founder, The Naked Voice, dedicated to healing the divide between silence, speech, and song, to find ways to express the ‘naked’ voice prior to the social or personality voice, enable singers and non-singers alike to access their true sound, from a deep and non-judgmental listening sourced from silence, from which a wide range of expression becomes possible, from the stillness of inner contemplative sound, to wild love song and spontaneous improvisation, creative rapture and soaring serenity, author Your Naked Voice and Awakening through Sound
Workshop: Sound Intelligence: Awakening through Sound

Arthur Harvey, MM, DMA - Full Bio
internationally known authority in music for special needs individuals, music and the brain, music and learning, music and health, past President, Hawaii Music Educators Association, featured on video series, Music and the Brain, author, Learn with the Classics and A Journey of Explanation: A Roadmap to Understanding Music and the Brain, coauthor, training manuals in music for special needs individuals, recording artist

Sita Jamieson - Full Bio
musician, singer, recording artist, Presence: Chants of Sacred Power, has performed with Krishna Das, Ram Das and Baghavan Das
Morning Classes: Sound Healing and Chanting

Fabien Maman - Full Bio
acupuncturist (created system using tuning forks instead of needles on acupuncture points), conducted revolutionary biology experiments showing the impacts of acoustic sound on human cells (found that acoustic sounds could explode cancer cells as well as energize and empower healthy ones), founder, Academy of Sound, Color and Movement, discovered musical scales that correspond with seasons, elements, meridians, chakras and subtle bodies, created Tama-Do Sound instruments to “shatter” negative patterns and bring harmony to the energy field, author, The Role of Music in the Twenty-First Century, Raising Human Frequencies, The Body as a Harp: Sound and Acupuncture and Healing with Sound, Color and Movement, composer, musician, Resonance of Ancestral Memories and A Winter Soulstice Harmonizing Concert
Workshop: Sound Healing: The Way of the Soul
Workshop2: Kototama: The Ancient Science of Pure Sound

Vladislav Matrenitsky, MD, PhD - Full Bio
former Senior Researcher of Institute of Gerontology Academy of Medical Science of USSR, overtone and throat singer, founder, Aum Center for Human Development which explores ancient and modern sound technologies, coauthor, Un-Hun: System of Sound Healing and Spiritual Development
Pre Conference: Un-Hun: The Shamanic Throat Singing System for Healing and Personal Development
Workshop: The Healing Power of Throat Overtone Sounds in Tuvan Shamanic Tradition
Evening Event: The Soul of Sound: A Voice Healing Ceremony Based on Tuvan Shamanic Throat Singing

Onye Onyemaechi, MBA - Full Bio
founder, Village Rhythms, Nigerian master drummer and dancer, spiritual advisor, recording artist, healer
Workshop:The Miracles of Music: Healing the Wounds of Our Times
Evening Event: The Village Rhythm Experience
Leigh Ann Phillips - Full Bio
singer/songwriter, Just Over Those Mountains, Journey Into the Mind, and her latest, Call of the Feather, sound healing practitioner, shifts the energetic and physical body through sound, Just Over Those Mountains, Journey Into the Mind, and Call of the Feather

Sue Raimond - Full Bio
pioneer of harp enrichment/therapy for pets and people, world expert in cytocymatics and vibroacoustics, adjunct lecturer specializing in pain management for University of California hospitals, lecturer at Tufts University veterinary school on acoustical nourishment and stress management for animals, veterinarians recommend Sue's albums for pets with anxiety
Workshop: Music to Soothe the Savage Beast

Richard Rudis (Karma Sonam Dorje) - Full Bio
practitioner of Vajrayana, teacher of Vibrational Sound with Healing Himalayan Sacred Sound instruments
Evening Event: Sri Yantra ‘Gong Bath’: A Sojourn into Vibrational Sound Healing

Jeff Strong - Full Bio
founder, REI Institute, creator Rhythmic Entrainment Intervention for people with neurological disorders, author, AD/HD for Dummies and 7 other books.
Workshop: Rhythm and the Brain: Historical
Perspectives and Scientific Mechanisms

Maboud & Tara Andrea Swierkosz - Full Bio
Evening Event: Dances of Universal Peace

Greg Tamblyn, NCW (No Credentials Whatsoever) - Full Bio
transformational humorist, singer, songwriter, Analog Brain In A Digital World and others

Char Tara - Full Bio
creator, WaveDancz transformative movement system, vocal artist, mime
Morning Classes: WaveDancz

Zhi Gang Sha, M.D. (China) - Full Bio
doctor of traditional medicine; founder, Institute of Soul Mind Body medicine; author Power Healing: The Four Keys to Energizing Your Body, Mind and Spirit; Soul Mind, Body Medicine: a Complete Soul Healing System for Optimum Health and Vitality; Soul Communication and Soul Wisdom; trained in advanced cellular healing science now occurring in China; grandmaster of Tai Chi, Qigong, I Ching and Feng Shui; 373rd generation lineage holder of Peng Zu anti-aging system passed down through oral tradition for more than 4,300 years
Workshop: Bring Out Your Soul Song for Healing, Blessing and Rejuvenation