Glen Rein, PhD and Maria Rein Syldona, PhD

Glen Rein, PhD. Biochemistry, has for the past 25 years, pursued an academic career in orthodox biomedical research at institutions such as Harvard and Stanford Medical Schools where he studied neuroscience, immunology, psychoneuroimmunology and bioelectromagnetics. In 1988, he founded the Quantum Biology Research Laboratory with the help of a grant from the Fetzer Institute. His research has since focused on characterizing new forms of nonelectromagnetic energy by virtue of their effects on biological systems and water.
Dr. Rein is the author of Quantum Biology: Healing with Subtle Energy.

Maria Syldona, PhD. Clinical Psychology, has researched ancient Eastern wisdom traditions and electrophysiology as related to acupuncture, Ayurveda, subtle energies, mental healing and psychology. Her research culminated in a study of the electrophysiological and psychological characteristics of mental healing practitioners. She has developed psychospiritual treatment modalities which integrate mind/body energy medicine, traditional psychological techniques and components of the spiritual traditions of the East.
Integral Science: An Eastern/western Perspective on the Role of the Mind and Prana in Psycho-Spiritual Development
This workshop encompasses the integration and synthesis of ancient Eastern scriptures and contemporary theories in quantum bio-physics focusing on the subtle energetic aspects of the mind and prana. Thus bridging science, spirit and health, this synthesis results in a model (Quantum Energy Healing Model) which offers a novel approach to self-healing based on Eastern Yogic descriptions of involution and evolution. The Eastern traditions describe the process of manifestation of life on earth. They also describe the process of attainment of the state of the Self, an evolutionary process of human development which is a birthright of all humans and reunites us with Universal Consciousness. This process also raises the vibrational level of the physical body which results in healing.

The workshop culminates in a discussion of the practical applications of the knowledge gained and ends with an experiential segment based on the Yoga of Assimilation. Assimilation incorporates visualization, guided imagery and meditation. It instructs us in the process necessary to reverse the flow of the mind and prana, which normally goes outward toward the senses, so we can begin the inner journey toward higher states of consciousness and Self-realization.

To understand how the evolutionary processes according to Eastern Yogic traditions lead to self-healing.

•learn to experience differences between the energy levels which make up the subtle and physical bodies.
•learn an energy healing technique for enhancing your personal psychospiritual growth and development.
•learn the role of the mind and prana in the natural healing processes from and Eastern and Western perspective.
Workshop: Holistic and Experiential Approach to the Study of Psychospiritual HealingMaria Syldona and Glen Rein —
Establishing how psychospiritual healing works is as important as establishing that it works, particularly in the West. It seems intuitively obvious that an approach which incorporates both external (or objective) methods of measurement and internal (or subjective) methods would lead to a more complete and interesting way of understanding psychospiritual healing.

This presentation combines didactic and experiential methods to help us develop this type of understanding. Scientific research will be presented that encompasses the disciplines of acupuncture, mental healing and electrophysiology to explore this topic. You will have the opportunity to experience your own psychospiritual healing energy andbe able to describe and express it. This East-West approach provides a more comprehensive and interesting perspective on psychospiritual healing.

Goal and Objectives:
Understand how electrophysiological and subjective measurements can be combined to form a wholistic approach to the study of psychospiritual healing.

—Learn about one new electrophysiological technique (approach) of m easuring psychospiritual state change.
— Learn simple elements of the processes comprising some basic psychospiritual healing techniques.
— Explore the process of internal felt sense as a subjective measure of psychospiritual state change in the mental healing process.
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