Steven Greer
Steven Greer
Steven is known for his work as founder and director of the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) and founder and director of The Disclosure Project. He has also spent many years as a meditation instructor using applied techniques of higher consciousness — cosmic awareness, cosmic consciousness and remote viewing — in contacting extraterrestrial lifeforms. He has trained hundreds in these techniques and many credit him with having changed their lives through his CSETI trainings.
Steven Greer's website: www.disclosureproject.org
Keynote: The Perfectly Integrating and Connecting Effect of Pure Consciousness with Extraterrestrial Beings
Saturday, March 29 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm
Dr. Greer is well known for his ground-breaking work with The Disclosure Project, bringing government and military witnesses together who worked on covert projects to go public at the National Press Club Press Conference.
What many do not realize is the intensely spiritual basis for his contact work with extraterrestrial civilizations and beings. The core value of The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) is that all sentient beings in the Universe are united in consciousness. That commonality is the basis for communication. For years, Dr. Greer and the CSETI teams have used higher states of consciousness as the means to interact with these beings. Learn how they have been doing this and the types of contact they have made.
Goal: Dr. Greer will show how Consciousness must be the basis for interaction with other life forms.
• To gain an understanding of how to practically use higher states of consciousness in contacting Extraterrestrial Beings,
• To understand how to use higher states of consciousness in daily life more effectively, and
• To gain a more all-encompassing understanding of the vast power available by attaining higher states of consciousness.
Workshop Contact: The CSETI Experience
Sunday, March 30
- 2:00pm to 4:00pm
The commonality we have with all sentient beings is in consciousness. The CSETI teams have been using higher states of consciousness to make contact with Extraterrestrial Beings for years. These contacts manifest themselves in many ways from close encounters with fully materialized craft to remote viewing of extraterrestrial beings in space and a wide variety of experiences in between. Explore the vast experiences of communication and contact and gain an understanding about how you can participate in such experiences yourself.
Goal: To help you distinguish different experiences in a whole cosmology which range from interactions with angelic beings, astral beings, ET beings and others.
Learning Objectives:
• Gain an understanding of the overlapping and varied ways in which beings from other realms may appear,
• Increase your ability to better understand your own experiences based on this cosmology, and
• Increase your understanding of the fundamental principles used by CSETI teams to contact Extraterrestrial beings.