Peteer Russell
Peter Russell, DCS
Peter studied mathematics and theoretical physics at the University of Cambridge supervised by Stephen Hawking. As he became increasingly fascinated by the nature of consciousness, he changed to experimental psychology, gaining a first class degree in the subject. He also has a post-graduate degree in computer science and conducted some of the early research on 3-D displays and what is now known as “virtual reality.”
He was one of the first people to introduce human potential seminars into the corporate field and for the last twenty years has been lecturing and consulting to major corporations on creativity, quality management and personal development. His books include The Brain Book, The Global Brain Awakens, The Creative Manager, The Consciousness Revolution, Waking Up in Time and From Science to God. He also created the award winning videos The Global Brain and The White Hole in Time.
Peter Russell's website: www.peterrussell.com
Keynote: The Return of Natural Mind
Sunday, March 30 - 8:45am to 10:00am
"Natural mind" is one of the many names given to the spiritually awakened mind. Some call it the unconditioned mind, others the state of presence. We have lost contact with this ground of our being because our attention easily gets caught up in our thoughts and feelings.
As human beings, we are self-aware, we know that we know. Yet most of us are not fully awake to the true nature of the self, or the nature of consciousness itself. We have gained vast knowledge of the world around us, but the nature of the knower, and of knowing itself, remains largely unknown.
This inner ignorance lies behind many of the crises we are now facing. More often than not our decisions are based on a derived sense of self and mistaken assumptions about what we really want and need. We have reached a point in human history where we need to fully awaken to who and what we are, to regain our connection with "natural mind".
The great mystics and saints of human history are men and women who have transcended the thinking mind and found liberation in the natural mind that is the core of our being.
Goal: To appreciate the value of spiritual awakening in the contemporary world.
Learning Objectives:
• To develop an alternative view of self,
• To reconnect with natural mind, and
• To know how we get caught up in our thoughts.
Workshop: Back to the Present
Sunday, March 30
- 2:00m to 4:00m
Be here now. It is an eternal call. In the present moment, we find true freedom; we can enjoy the peace and love that is the essence of our being.
To be more present, we need to let go of our fears, judgments, assumptions and attachments that keep our minds locked into the past and future. But letting go never seems easy. That is because we usually approach letting go as something to do. We may know it is the opposite—an undoing—but that does not make it any easier.
We often look outside for help, but our perfect teacher is our higher self, which already knows precisely what we need to let go of, and how to let it happen. Just below the threshold of consciousness, the quiet voice of our own inner knowing beckons to us, showing us the easiest, most direct way to return to the present, and find the peace and joy that we yearn for.
Goal: Learn new ways of becoming more present.
Learning Objectives:
• To learn how to let ‘letting go’ happen,
• To distinguish the inner voice from that of the ego, and
• To access the wisdom of your higher self.