Previous Presenters
Here is a comprehensive listing, in alphabetical order, of the men and women who have shared their extraordinary vision, talents and energy to help make this popular event so enriching over the years:
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Click here for the 2004 Speaker Line up:
Valerie Gremillion, PhD Neuroscience, researcher, neurochemistry of attention and consciousness, theory of information flow, encoding in the visual system, ecological theory and sustainable development |
Pierre Grimes, Phd, President, Opening Mind Academy, founder, Socratic Philosophical Midwifery movement |
Stanislav Grof, MD, Psychiatrist, founder and President, International Transpersona Association, faculty, California Institute of of Integral Studies; coauthor, The Human Encounter with Death, The Holotropic Mind, The Cosmic Game: Explorations of the Frontiers of Human Consciousness, The Transpersonal Vision and many others
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Linda Groff, PhD International Relations, Director, Global Options, author, Spirituality, Religion, Culture and Peace; The Information and Synergetics Revolution and Intercultural Communication and Consciousness |
Warren Grossman, PhD Psychology, healer, author, To Be Healed By The Earth |
Don Pedro Guerra
Don Pedro was born in a remote jungle area of the Peruvian Amazon. Growing up in this region, where fierce and primitive Indian tribes still existed, he started at an early age learning the hunting and jungle skills of survival from his father. The poverty of his family only permitted him a few years of schooling, after which he worked to help support the family, which included 11 younger siblings. At the age of 24, after two years in the Peruvian military, his spiritual life called him, and he entered deep into the jungle. There he spent almost two years in complete seclusion, undergoing the intense disciplines and rigorous dieting which working with different plant medicines entails. The spirits of the jungle and the plants became his teachers, and he learned through direct contact with them, how to become a shaman and healer, and how to use and administer different plant medicines to his patients. For the past 24 years he has worked successfully healing and treating many people with all types of ailments. During that period of shamanic training, the plant spirits that appeared to him also taught him their songs and melodies, which are unique to him and which he uses in ceremony and healing. He has continued to work with the disciplines and plant diets, which are part of the shamanic path of an Amazon healer, spending weeks and months in isolation in the jungle. |
Bill Guillory, PhD, former chair, Chemistry Department, University of Utah, author, Realizations; It's All an Illusion; The Living Organization; Spirituality in the Workplace and many other books |
John Hagelin, PhD, Director, Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy,
Natural Law Party candidate for President of the United States
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Steven Halpern, PhD Music Psychology, composer, recording artist, President, Inner Peace Music, author, Sound Health, Sound Matters and Sound, Stress and Inner Peace
Debra Harris, RN, Program Director, Center for Health and Learning, St. Charles Medical Center |
Michael Harris, MD, Medical Director, Center for Health and Learning, St. Charles Medical Center |
Evan Harris Walker, PhD Physics, author, The Physics of Consciousness: The Quantum Mind and the Meaning of Life, founder, Walker Cancer Research Instititute |
Joyce Hawkes, PhD Biophysics, author, The Nature of Healing, Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science |
David Hawkins, MD, PhD, Director, Institute of Advanced Theoretical Research, author, Orthomolecular Psychiatry, Power versus Force: An Anatomy of Consciousness and Qualitative and Quantitative Identification and Calibration of the Levels of Consciousness |
No Photo Available |
Francis Huxley, author , The Ethnopsychiatry of Voodoo Possession Rites, An Anthropologist Amongst the Urubu Indians of Brazil, Tribes of the Amazon Basin, The Way of the Sacred, The Eye: The Seer and the Seen and many others |
Iasos, composer, recording artist, leading exponent of interdimensional music |
Michio Kaku, PhD, Theoretical Physicist, advisor to NASA, author, Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the 10thDimension; Beyond Einstein; Introduction to Superstrings; Quantum Field Theory; Quarks, Symmetries and Strings
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Gurucharan Khalsa, PhD Psychology, expert in the applied psychology of meditation and peak performance, trainer, Tony Robbins Life Mastery University |
Yasuhiko Kimura, former Zen Buddhist Priest from Japan, Executive Director, The Twilight Club (founded by Walt Whitman, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Herbert Spencer, Mark Twain, Andrew Carnegie and others) |
Daniel Kinderlehrer, MD, Co-founder, New England Center for Holistic Medicine, instructor, National Institute of Behavioral Medicine, author, Unraveling the Mysteries of Lyme Disease, coauthor Antioxidant Save Your-Life Cookbook
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Joan King, PhD Neuroscience, PhD Psychology, professor and neuroscience researcher, Tufts University School of Medicine, former Chair, Department of Anatomy and Cellular Biology |
Stanley Korn, former Department of Defense physicist, coordinator, MENSA Parapsychology SIG |
Konstantin Korotkov, PhD
Konstantin is Professor of Physics at St. Petersburg State Technical University in Russia. He has published over 70 papers in leading world journals on physics and biology, and he holds 12 patents on biophysics inventions. He is the author of four books, including Light After Light: Experiments and Ideas on After-Death Changes of Kirlian Pictures, and Aura and Consciousness. He is the associate editor of Consciousness and Physical Reality, a journal publishing papers in Russian and English, and president of the International Union for Medical and Applied Bioelectrography. |
Joyce Kovelman, PhD Anatomy, PhD Psychology, author, Once Upon A Soul: Science, Psychology and the Realms of Spirit |
Stanley Krippner, PhD, Director, Center for Consciousness Studies, Saybrook Institute, author, Human Possibilities and Realms of Healing |
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