Andrea Adler
Andrea Adler is founder of in the United States
and Marketing in Mexico. She has been a marketing
and public relations consultant for 30 years, representing Internet
companies, multi-media companies, and artistic ventures in Europe,
Mexico and the United States. For the past twenty years, she has
focused her talents specifically on the therapeutic / holistic
community, artists and entrepreneurial spirits.
Andrea is the author of Creating An Abundant Practice: A Spiritual
and Practical Guide for Holistic Practitioners and Healing Centers,
and The Science of Spiritual Marketing: Initiation into Magnetism.
Her novel, Pushing Upward, will be out soon.
In her early twenties, Andrea was an actress on Broadway, on
television and in film. She wrote, directed and produced videos
for The American Film Institute, as well as for independent video
Andrea has studied meditation for 30 years and has lived in ashrams
and meditation centers in India, Paris, New York and California.
Throughout her 30 year career, she has continually integrated her
meditation discipline with her evolving expertise in PR and marketing,
helping people understand the spiritual and practical laws of abundance
and applying these principals while doing business.
Monday, April 25 -- 10:30 am to 12:00 pm
The Science of Spiritual Marketing: An Initiation into Magnetism
Andrea Adler
Santa Fe Room
Just as there are initiations in indigenous cultures, in current
religions, and in any new endeavor or field of interest we set
out to experience, there is an initiation into magnetism. Once
we understand what the initiation process is, there is a quality
of being that takes precedence and a universal plea that elicits
us to develop certain somatic/sensory foundations within ourselves.
For instance, when we are aligned with our calling, when we are
connected to source, when we understand soulful branding and the
need for ritual and ceremony within our outreach, when we have
integrated the spiritual and practical laws into our being - then,
and only then will our marketing strategies bare fruit and become
magnets for the future we want to create. This is the essence of
Spiritual Marketing and the beginning of Initiation into Magnetism.
By understanding this initiation process, entrepreneurs, small
and large business owners, artists, educators, and holistic practitioners
will be able to embody and integrate these new practices, make
sustainable shifts in their marketing approaches, and create the
success they yearn.
Goal: To understand public relations and marketing from a spiritual
as well as practical perspective Learning Objectives:
To begin the initiation process,
To align with our "souls" calling, and
To create the strategy that will take us to the future we yearn
to create.