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Confirmed Speakers
(Back to 2001 Altered States Speakers)
Hank Wesselman, PhD, research paleoanthropologist, author, Visionseeker, Spiritwalker and Medicinemaker
Keynote: The Master Game: Awakening The Evolutionary Sleepers
Workshop: The Sacred Garden
Brooke Medicine Eagle, ceremonial leader, songwriter, descendent of Nez Perce leader Chief Joseph, ecologist, author, Buffalo Woman Comes Singing, Dancing Awake the Drum, The Last Ghost Dance and others
Workshop: Lodge of the Dreamers
Isaac Shapiro, author, It Happens By Itself and Outbreak of Peace, satsang facilitator in Australia, South Africa, Europe and U.S.
Workshop: Truth In Your Own Experience
Victor Sanchez, anti-anthropologist from Mexico, author, The Teachings of Don Carlos, Toltecs of the New Millennium and The Toltec Path of Recapitulation: Healing Your Past to Free Your Soul
Keynote: Kinam: Balancing Duality: New Pathways for Enhancing Awareness
Workshop: Kinam: Balancing Duality: Experience New Pathways for Enhancing Awareness
John Mack, MD, founder, Center for Psychology and Social Change, author, Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens, Passport to the Cosmos and others, professor of psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
Keynote: Anomalous Experience and the Transformation of Consciousness
Workshop: Anomalous Experience and Self Transformation
John Hagelin, PhD, Director, Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy, Natural Law Party candidate for President of the United States of America
Keynote: The Neurophysiology of Consciousness: Scientific Discovery of Higher States of Consciousness
Warren Grossman, PhD Psychology, healer, author, To Be Healed By The Earth
Workshop: Love: The Ultimate Alteration of Consciousness
Workshop: The Earth to Heart Connection: Life from Head to Toe
Gay Luce, PhD, founder, Nine Gates Mystery School
Workshop: Shifting Personal Presence and Consciousness: Using the Magic of a Coherent Energy Field (with Ilona Ireland)
Ken Eagle Feather, author, A Toltec Path, Traveling with Power and Tracking Freedom
Workshop: Bioenergy, Healing and Enlightenment
Buryl Payne, PhD, author, Getting There Without Drugs: Theories and Techniques for Altering Consciousness, Love and Sex without Conflict, The Body Magnetic, Magnetic Healing and others, inventor, founder, Psycho Physics Lab
Workshop: Brain Hemispheric Synchronization: A Step Toward Telepathic Training
Ralph Metzner, PhD Psychology, author, The Unfolding Self: Varieties of Transformative Experience
Workshop: Shamanic Divination and Visionary Experience
Linda Jean Shepherd, PhD Biochemistry, author, Lifting the Veil, The Feminine Face of Science
Workshop: Paying Attention: Cultivating The Skill of Observation
Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD Parapsychology, President, Intuition Network, host, PBS series Thinking Allowed, author, The PK Man, The Roots of Consciousness: Exploration Through History, Science and Experience
Workshop: Mind Over Matter: Psychokinetic Weather Control
Helen Stewart, PhD, President, University of Metaphysical Studies, ESP researcher
Workshop: A Typology of Altered States: From Trauma to Ecstatic Experience (with Don Wismer)
Richard Kimball, PhD Cross-Cultural Psychology, Shaman in Zimbabwe Shona Ngganga tradition, Director, Hsi Lai Buddhist Psychology and Counseling Research Center, Shamanism researcher in China, Peru, Japan, Mexico, Taiwan, India and Zimbabwe
Workshop: Southern African Shamanism for the 21st Century: What We Can Learn from Our True Heart
Ilona Ireland, Director, Nine Gates Mystery School
Workshop: Shifting Personal Presence and Consciousness: Using the Magic of a Coherent Energy Field (with Gay Luce)
Onye Onyemaechi, MBA, Nigerian master drummer and dance performer, founder, Village Rhythms, spiritual healer
Special Evening Event: The Healing Rhythm Experience
Workshop: Spiritual Communications
Peter Gorman, ethnopharmacology researcher, botanical specimen collector with the Matses, Irula, Ticuna, Jibaro, Lancandon, Shipibo, Auchino, Bora, Yagua and other tribal cultures, playwright, editor-in-chief, High Times Magazine, writer and adventurer
Workshop: The Unexpected Healing Power of Ayahuasca
Joyce Hawkes, PhD Biophysics, author, The Nature of Healing, Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
Workshop: Bali and Beyond: Navigating Trance States for Healing
Jonathan Robinson, author, Shortcuts to Bliss, The Little Book of Big Questions, Real Wealth and many other books
Workshop: Shortcuts to Bliss: How to Induce Profound Altered States in Under Twenty Minutes
Deborah Milton, PhD, certified instructor, Ecstatic Body Postures, multimedia artist
Workshop: Experiencing the Tree of Life Cosmology Through Ecstatic Body Postures (with Carol-Lynne Toleno)
Arjuna Ardagh, founder, Living Essence Foundation, author, Relaxing into Clear Seeing and How About Now?
Workshop: Radical Awakening in the Snap of a Finger
Workshop: Practical Tools for Living in the Finger Snap
Karin Thron, MD, Womens Health Services, alternative healing modalities and spiritual aspects of healing
Special Sessions: The Joy of Creativity (with Gale Litvak)
Don Wismer, Chairman, University of Metaphysical Studies, former Pastor, pioneer in treatment of Dissociative Disorders
Workshop: A Typology of Altered States: From Trauma to Ecstatic Experience (with Helen Stewart)
Kristin Madden, author, Shamanic Guide to Death and Dying, The Book of Shamanic Healing and others, Director, Ardantane School of Shamanic Arts, tutor, Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids, former raptor biologist and environmental chemist, certified hypnotist, deathwalker
Workshop: Spirit Guidance Through Shamanic Journey
Cork Kallen, JD, Certified Master Firewalk Instructor, former personal injury attorney
Special Evening Event: The FireWalk Experience
Wilbert Alix, TranceDance instructor
Special Evening Event: TranceDance: Entering Our Body/Mind Consciousness
Carol-Lynne Toleno, DC, instructor, Ecstatic Trance
Workshop: Experiencing the Tree of Life Cosmology Through Ecstatic Body Postures (with Deborah Milton)
Montserrat Auso, founder, El Sol Institute, leads intensive leadership and transformational workshops around the world
Workshop: Energy and Brain Symmetry
Steve Bhaerman (Swami Beyondananda) comedian, author, Driving Your Own Karma and When You See A Sacred Cow, Milk It For All Its Worth
Workshop: Humor as an Altered State
Special Evening Event: Wake Up Laughing
Deborah May, Tai Chi Chih and Seijaku instructor
Morning Session: Tai Chi
Alorah Lavender, Kripalu Yoga instructor, massage therapist
Morning Session: Yoga: Inviting Body Awareness
Gale Litvak, designer, weaver and creative arts teacher
Special Sessions: The Joy of Creativity (with Karin Thron)
Tara Andrea Swierkosz, Dances of Universal Peace instructor
Special Evening Event: Dances of Universal Peace
Maboud Swierkosz, Dances of Universal Peace instructor
Special Evening Event: Dances of Universal Peace