The 2001 conference was a wonderful success, especially being the first conference of this series, with over 400 participants representing countries all over the globe. We wish to thank everyone, especially the presenters without whom this conference could never have happened.
Click here to see the list of organizations who sponsored the 2001 conference.
Video and Audio tapes are available of most of our past presenters. Click Here for On-line Shopping.
Confirmed Speakers from 2001
Confirmed Speakers from 2002
2001 Keynote Presenters
Barbara Marx Hubbard, futurist, President, Foundation for Conscious Evolution, author, The Revelation, Conscious Evolution and others
Keynote: Gateway to Our Conscious Evolution
Workshop: Going Through the Gateway: Key Steps in Our Emergence as Universal Humans
Charles Tart, PhD, editor, Scientists' Transcendent Experiences, author, Altered States of Consciousness, Waking Up, Living the Mindful Life and 10 other books
Workshop: A Taste of Mindfulness in Real Life
Victor Sanchez, anti-anthropologist from Mexico, author, The Teachings of Don Carlos and The Toltec Path of Recapitulation: Healing Your Past to Free Your Soul
Keynote: The Transformative Power of the Other Side of Consciousness
Workshop: The Secret of the Feathered Serpent
Margot Anand, author, The Art of Sexual Ecstasy: The Path of Sacred Sexuality, Sexual Magic Meditations and many other books
Keynote: From Orgasm to Ecstasy: Love is the Gateway to Altered States of Consciousness
Huston Smith, PhD, author, The Worlds Religions, Cleansing the Doors of Perception, The Religious Significance of Entheogenic Plants and Chemicals, Forgotten Truth: The Primordial Tradition, One Nation Under God: The Triumph of the Native American Church; and many other books
Workshop: Can Entheogenic Mystical Experiences Be Accepted as True?
Stanley Krippner, PhD, Director, Center for Consciousness Studies, Saybrook Institute, author, Spiritual Dimensions of Healing: From Tribal Shamanism to Contemporary Health Care, Human Possibilities, Realms of Healing, The Mythic Path and 17 other books, former Director, Dream Laboratory at Maimonides Medical Center
Workshop 1: Spiritual Dimensions of the Ayahuasca Experience
Workshop 2: Shamanism, Dreams and Drugs
Dmitri Spivak, PhD Psycholinguistics, PhD Psychology, PhD Economics, senior researcher, Russian Academy of Science Institute of the Human Brain, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Department of Science and Theology, author, Altered States of Mass Consciousness, Linguistics of Altered States of Consciousness, Language under Altered States of Consciousness and others
Workshop: Gender-Specific Altered States of Consciousness
Laura Huxley, PhD, author, This Timeless Moment, describing life with her husband, Aldous Huxley, Fellow, International Academy of Medical Preventics, founder, Children: Our Ultimate Investment
Workshop: One Example of Visionary Common Sense
Steven Halpern, PhD Music Psychology, composer, recording artist, author, Sound Health, Sound Matters and Sound, Stress and Inner Peace
Workshop: Psycho-Active Sounds: A Multi-Cultural Approach to Altered States of Consciousness
Kay Cordell Whitaker, PhD, author, The Reluctant Shaman and Sacred Link
Workshop: The Humpty Dumpty Trajectory: Cracking Open Consciousness
Adnan Sarhan, Sufi Master in Naqshabandi, Qadiri, Rafai and Melevi Orders, founder, Sufi Foundation of America, master drummer, Whirling Dervish, dancer, author, Dance Your Way to Spirit
Workshop: Sufi Methods to Alter Consciousness and Put You in the Moment
Metta Zetty, editor, Awakening Into Awareness: Reflections on Reality and the Experience of Realization
Workshop: The Miracle of Ordinary Awareness
Workshop: Directly Discover Your Natural State
Arthur Deikman, author, MD, author, The Observing Self: Mysticism and Psychotherapy, and The Wrong Way Home: Uncovering the Patterns of Cult Behavior and Personal Freedom
Workshop: Service as an Altered State
Onye Onyemaechi, MBA, Nigerian master drummer and dance performer, Director of Igbote Center for the Performing and Healing Arts
Workshop: Awakening to the Soul: Spiritual Practices of the Ancient Ministry
Belinda Gore, PhD, author, Ecstatic Body Postures: An Alternate Reality Workbook, Vice President, Cuyamungue Institute
Workshop: Ecstatic Body Postures: A Doorway to Non-Ordinary Reality
Tina de Souza, Ialorixa Brazilian Priestess of Umbanda, clinical psychotherapist, trance medium, healer
Workshop: Trance and Altered States of Consciousness
Joseph Rael (Beautiful Painted Arrow), Picuris Pueblo master storyteller, author, Being and Vibration, Tracks of Dancing Light, Ceremonies of the Living Spirit and others
Workshop: Being and Vibration
Bruce Eisner, author, Ecstasy: The MDMA Story, Founder, Mindware Catalog, editor, Island Views, Founder, The Mind Media Life-Enhancement Network
Workshop 1: Workshop: MDMA and Human Nature
Workshop 2: The History and Future of LSD
Luis Eduardo Luna, PhD Anthropology, author, Ayahuasca Visions and Vegetalismo: Shamanism among the Mestizo Population of the Amazon
Workshop: The Ayahuasca Experience in a Controlled, Non-Shamanic, Non-Religious Setting
Sabrina Mesko, DH, author, Healing Mudras: Yoga for Your Hands, creator, Mudras: Gestures of Power video
Workshop: Healing Mudras: Ancient Healing Hand Gestures
ShantiMayi, founder, Terre de Sacha Ashram France, founder, Ganesh Foundation, Mahayana Chan (nondual Buddhism) teacher
Workshop: Impermanance, Emptiness and Possibility
Marc Ian Barasch, author, The Healing Path, Remarkable Recovery, Healing Dreams, editor, Natural Health, editor, Psychology Today, producer, The Roswell Incident, Dreamers, Disturbance and Future Visions, composer, musician
Workshop: Healing Dreams: A Window into Nonlocal Mind
Hanniah Morgan, Certified Reiki master, breath work teacher
Workshop: Breathecstasy: Using Breath and Music to Achieve an Altered State of Consciousness
Matthew Cross, producer, An Introduction to Resonance Therapy
Workshop: The Resonance Effect: Spiritual Technology for Individual, Ecosystem and Planetary Restoration
Dan Moonhawk Alford, PhD, professor of linguistics, California Institute of Integral Studies, originator of "Quantum Linguistics," convener of The Language of Spirituality dialogues originated by the late David Bohm and Leroy Little Bear
Workshop: Alternative States of Language and Consciousness
Maboud & Tara Andrea Swierkosz, Mentor Teachers Guild, Dances of Universal Peace
Eric Kaufman, certified hypnotherapist, mindfulness and meditation teacher
Ed Katzenburger, minister, Veriditas Labyrinth Facilitator
Valerie Gremillion, PhD, neuroscientist, researcher, neurochemistry of attention and consciousness
Workshop: Entheogens, Altered States and Evolution of Human Consciousness
Ken Eagle Feather, author, A Toltec Path, Traveling with Power and Tracking Freedom
Workshop: An Energy-Body Approach to Altered States
Workshop: Experiencing an Altered State
Jacotte Chollet, founder, Institute for Development and Expansion of Consciousness (France), researcher, multidimensional music and its effects on consciousness
Workshop: Experiential Journey into Altered States of Consciousness Induced by Resonance with Multidimensional Music
Prasad, Satsang teacher
Workshop: Come Out of the Closet as God
Cork Kallen, JD, Certified Master Firewalk Instructor, former personal injury attorney
Irene Lamberti, DC, producer and host, Aerobic Prayer PBS television series, producer, Dances of the Soul documentary, author, Spirit in Action
Workshop: Can Entheogenic Mystical Experiences Be Accepted as True? |
Skip Atwater, Research Director, The Monroe Institute, former Operations and Training Officer, U.S. Military Remote Viewing Program
Workshop: Using Induced Focused States for Exploring Spiritual Domains
David Cumes, MD, Sangoma Zulu medicine man, author, The Spirit of Healing: Venture into the Wilderness to Rediscover the Healing Force, founder, Inward Bound Healing Journeys travel company
Workshop: Peak and Transcendent Experiences in Nature and How to Facilitate Them
Steve Bhaerman (Swami Beyondananda), comedian, author, Driving Your Own Karma and When You See A Sacred Cow, Milk It For All Its Worth
Workshop: Humor as an Altered State
Arjuna Nick Ardagh, founder, Living Essence Foundation, author, Relaxing into Clear Seeing and How About Now?
Workshop 1: Cocreative Spirituality
Workshop 2: The End of Seeking
Deborah Davis, LAc, licensed acupuncturist, clinical hypnotherapist, massage therapist, herbalist, ethnobotanist, medical intuitive, qigong instructor, video producer, The Spirit of Qi Gong, editor, Healing Retreats and Spas magazine
Russell Targ, former senior research physicist, Stanford Research Institute, coauthor, Mind Race, Mind-Reach, The Role of Consciousness in the Physical World and Miracles of Mind: Exploring Non-local Consciousness and Spiritual Healing
Workshop: Remote Viewing, Spiritual Healing and Expanded Awareness
Toni Bergins, cofounder, DramaWorks Interactive Business Theater, Kripalu DansKinetics instructor