"The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of consciousness with which we created them." - Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)
Welcome! Here you will find over 400 unique titles by more than 200 presenters.
It has been said that these presentations are much more than simply a sharing of minds and information. They are moments in time and space where a collective, wholistic consciousness can be sensed and experienced. Our presenters have served as facilitators of that experience, helping to account for all the loose ends and missing pieces that need to be reclaimed and included in our planet-wide journey to wholeness. With practical wisdom, humour, keen intellect and savvy understanding of the human condition, they beautifully illustrate the possibilities open to us, and offer many solutions and avenues of exploration that truly come from a level of consciousness greater than that from which so many of our world problems have arisen.
Although arranged chronologically, much of the material is timeless in its relevance and usefulness. Many titles exist both on audio and video tapes. Some presentations contain slide shows or video footage that need to be seen in order to fully appreciate the material; with other titles, the audio is more than sufficient.
At this time, we are working to create a fully searchable database of our topics, with the ability to purchase online. Until then, you can download our order forms below, then fax or mail it to us.
The forms are in PDF format, which require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
If you need any assistance, please don't hesitate to call our office.
Business and Consciousness Tape Order Forms |
The Seventh International Conference on Business and Consciousness January, 2002 Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA |
Audio Tapes | Video Tapes (VHS) |
The Sixth International Conference on Business and Consciousness December, 2000 Acapulco, Mexico |
Audio Tapes | Video Tapes (VHS) |
The Fifth International Conference on Business and Consciousness November, 1999 Acapulco, Mexico |
Audio Tapes | Video Tapes (VHS) |
The Fourth International Conference on Business and Consciousness November 7 - 13, 1998 Sheraton Buganvillas Resort Puerto Vallarta, Mexico |
Audio Tapes | Video Tapes (VHS) |
The Third International Conference on Spirituality in Business November, 1997 Puerto Vallarta, Mexico |
 | Video Tapes (VHS) |
The Second International Conference on Spirituality in Business November 1996 Mazatlan, Mexico |
Audio Tapes |
Video Tapes (VHS) |
The First International Conference on Spirituality in Business November 1995 Mazatlan, Mexico |
 | Video Tapes (VHS) |
Science and Consciousness Tape Order Forms |
The Fourth International Conference on Science and Consciousness April, 2002 Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA |
Audio Tapes | Video Tapes (VHS) |
The Third International Conference on Science and Consciousness April, 2001 Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA |
Audio Tapes | Video Tapes (VHS) |
The Second International Conference on Science and Consciousness April, 2000 Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA |
Audio Tapes | Video Tapes (VHS) |
The First International Conference on Science and Consciousness April, 1999 Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA |
Audio Tapes | Video Tapes (VHS) |
Altered States of Consciousness Tape Order Forms |
The First International Conference on Altered States of Consciousness November, 2001 Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA |
Audio Tapes | Video Tapes (VHS) |
The Second International Conference on Altered States of Consciousness October, 2002
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA |
Audio Tapes | Video Tapes (VHS) |