Rob Williams

Rob is the originator of PSYCH-K and author of PSYCH-K...The Missing Peace In Your Life! He is also co-host of the video, The Biology of Perception...The Psychology of Change, with colleague, Dr. Bruce Lipton. Rob's life-long exploration of human potential, combined with his background in marketing, advertising, and business management, as well as 14 years in private practice as a psychotherapist, provides a practical, results-oriented approach to personal change. He has spent many years studying natural healing practices from around the world, some contemporary, some ancient. PSYCH-K was inspired by these diverse approaches to change and began in the form of a series of "intuitive leaps of consciousness,"which occurred over a period of several months. He is Director of the PSYCH-K Centre for Accelerated Personal Change.

Tuesday, April 26 -- 2:00 - 3:30 pm
and 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
The Biology of Belief and Psychology of Change
— Rob Williams and Bruce Lipton —

Bruce presents a unique perspective that we exist as a community of cells. Just as every cell functions in response to its environment, so too does our entire system. Dr. Lipton challenges beliefs that are widely held in the scientific community; he demonstrates that our genes cannot possibly control much of our behavior or our health.

Instead, Dr. Lipton shows that how we respond to circumstances is guided by how we perceive events; and our perception of events is bounded by our subconscious beliefs.

When our subconscious beliefs conflict with our conscious beliefs, values or goals, we experience resistance and other “negative” emotions, and we stop ourselves from achieving what we really want in life.

If we want to change the way we live, the way we respond in the world, then we must begin by changing our subconscious beliefs, to bring them into alignment with our conscious wisdom, values and goals. When we do this, we rebuild ourselves from our very foundation. We make success a self-fulfilling prophecy, rather than a day to day struggle.

Rob begins his presentation where Dr. Lipton pauses. To change our subconscious beliefs, we first need a way to communicate effectively and easily with our subconscious mind. PSYCH-K provides the needed communication system.

The PSYCH-K belief change techniques work specifically with subconscious beliefs. They are designed to rewrite obsolete, dysfunctional beliefs and replace them with new beliefs that are in alignment with our conscious values, goals and wisdom.

PSYCH-K emphasizes unique permission protocols before taking the necessary steps to implement changes. Unlike allopathic and many complimentary healthcare modalities that are symptom driven, PSYCH-K acknowledges that many problems may actually be spiritual messengers “disguised” as symptoms or unwanted behaviors. Thepermission protocols avoid “killing the messenger” before getting the message. In this way, PSYCH-K treats causes rather than just treating symptoms.

People typically report that PSYCH-K works quickly, easily and painlessly. Some changes are dramatic and immediate. Others are more subtle and show up in your life almost without being noticed; things simply become better over time.

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