Jean Shinoda Bolen
Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD
Jungian analyst, author, The Tao of Psychology, Goddesses in Everywoman,
Gods in Everyman, Ring of Power, Crossing to Avalon, and Close to
the Bone.
Keynote: The Millioneth Circle and The Juicy Crone
Workshop: The Grail is the Goddess: A Healing Paradigm for Psyche and Planet
Masaru Emoto
Masaru Emoto
Doctor of Alternative
Medicine, author, The Message From Water, world s foremost
researcher of effects of intention, emotions, music, thoughts, source,
pollution, etc. on water crystals (see photos at wellnessgoods.com,
hado.com, thank-water.net),
Workshop: The Message From Water: The True Power of Water
David Abram

William Tiller
William Tiller, PhD
Professor Emeritus, Department
of Materials Science, Stanford University, author, Science and
Human Transformation: Subtle Energies, Intentionality and
Consciousness and Conscious Acts of Creation: The Emergence
of a New Physics
Workshop: Towards a Quantitative Science and Technology That Includes Directed Human Consciousness: Experimental Data and Theory
Workshop: New Experimental Data Requiring a Significant Change in the Present Scientific

Laurie Monroe
Laurie Monroe
President, The Monroe
Institute (creator of the Hemi-Sync technology)
Workshop: Hemi-Sync In Changing Times

Jack Sarfatti
Jack Sarfatti, PhD
President, Internet Science
Education Project, poet, author Super Cosmos, Destiny Matrix,
Space-Time and Beyond and others
Emergence of Consciousness in Super Cosmos

Gary Schwartz
Schwartz, PhD Director, Human Energy
Systems Laboratory, former Director, Yale Psychophysiology Center,
coauthor, The Living Energy Universe and Discovering the
Living Soul: Breakthrough Scientific Evidence for Life After Death
After-Life Experiments: New Evidence for Survival
of Consciousness After Death

Steven Greer
Steven Greer, MD
Director, Center for
the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, founder, The Disclosure
Project, author, Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses
Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History
Keynote: Cosmic
Awareness and Cosmic Cultures: Higher States of Consciousness and
Extraterrestrial Relations
Workshop: Experiencing Cosmic Consciousness as a Tool for Extraterrestrial Contact

Stan Grof
Stanislav Grof, MD
Psychiatrist, Founder
and President, International Transpersonal Association, coauthor,
The Human Encounter with Death, The Holotropic Mind, The Cosmic
Game: Explorations of the Frontiers of Human Consciousness, The Transpersonal
Vision and many others.
Keynote: Psychology of the Future: Lessons from Modern Consciousness Research
Workshop: The Roots of Violence and Greed: Transpersonal Perspective on the Current Global Crisis
Christina Grof
Artist, psychotherapist,
founder Spiritual Emergence Network, cocreator Holotropic Breathwork,
author, Thirst for Wholeness: Attachment, Addiction and the Spiritual
Path, coauthor Beyond Death, Spiritual Emergency and The
Stormy Search for the Self
Workshop: Thirst for Wholeness: Addiction, Recovery and Spirituality

Peter Russell
Peter Russell, DCS
Computer Science
Author, The Brain
Book, Waking Up In Time, The Global Brain Awakens, The Consciousness
Revolution, From Science to God and others
Keynote: The Mystery of Consciousness
Workshop: The Art of Letting Go

Michio Kaku
Michio Kaku, Phd
theoretical physicist, advisor to NASA, author, Parellel Worlds,
Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey through Parallel Universes, Time
Warps, and the 10thDimension; Beyond Einstein; Introduction to Superstrings;
Quantum Field Theory; Quarks, Symmetries and Strings
Keynote: Parallel
Worlds: A Journey Through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future
of the Cosmos
Workshop: Visualizing
Higher Dimensions

Gregg Braden
Gregg Braden
Geologist, author, Awakening
to Zero Point, Walking Between the Worlds, The Isaiah Effect: Decoding
the Lost Science of Prayer and Prophecy
Special Evening Event:
The God Code

Bruce Lipton
Bruce Lipton, PhD
Developmental Cell Biology
Director, Institute for
Cellular Communication, researcher of the biochemical pathways connecting
the mind and body that provide insight into the molecular basis of
consciousness, author, The Biology of Consciousness, Muscle Regeneration,
and Basic Histology
Workshop: The Biology of Belief and the Psychology of Change
Workshop: As is Above, So is Below: An Introduction to Fractal Evolution

Ralph Abraham
Ralph Abraham, PhD
Co-author, Chaos Gaia
Eros, Chaos in Discrete Dynamical Systems, The Evolutionary Mind,
The Web Empowerment Book, Dynamics - The Geometry of Behavior, The
Chaos Avant-Garde and 15 other books, editor, World Futures,
International Journal of Bifurcations and Chaos, founder, Visual
Math Institute
Workshop: Neural Networks and Collective Consciousness
Workshop: Where Have All the Angels Gone?

Christine Page
Christine Page, MD
Homeopath, author, Frontiers
of Health, Beyond the Obvious, Mind Body Spirit Workbook, Spiritual
Alchemy and others
Keynote: Holographic Surfing: Riding the Waves of Change
Workshop: Soul Navigation: Enhancing the Power of the Intuition

Charles Tart, PhD
Author, Altered States
of Consciousness, Transpersonal Psychologies and Body, Mind,
Spirit. Professor, Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, researcher
on the psychological nature of consciousness.
Workshop: Aspects of Enlightenment: Some Views From the Bottom Up
Jeri Mills
Jeri Mills, DVM,
MD full
Jeri is a physician board certified in obstetrics and gynecology. She is also a veterinarian, a Reiki Master Teacher, storyteller and author of the book Tapestry of Healing: Where Reiki and Medicine Intertwine.
Workshop: Energy
Medicine as an Adjunct to Western Medicine
Debbie and
Carlos Rosas

Meir Schneider
Meir Schneider, PhD
Founder, School for Self-Healing,
author Self-Healing: My Life and Vision, The Handbook for Self-Healing,
Meir Schneider's Miracle Eyesight Method and Yoga for the
Eyes. After
reading Braille until age 17, Meir overcame blindness caused by congenital
cataracts, glaucoma and other serious problems. Today, he holds an
unrestricted driver's license
Yoga for the Eyes
Self-Healing Through Movement

Rabbi Gershon Winkler
Rabbi Gershon Winkler
Co-founder, Walking Stick
Foundation, devoted to the recovery of aboriginal earth-honoring
spirituality, author, Magic of the Ordinary: Recovering the Shamanic
in Judaism and 10 other books.
Workshop: Wheel of the Four Winds: Ancient Jewish Mystery Wisdom for Biding Your Time on Earth

Rob Williams
Originator of PSYCH-K,
author, PSYCH-K...The Missing Peace in Your Life!, co-host,
The Biology of Perception...The Psychology of Change, director,
PSYCH-K Centre for Accelerated Change
Workshop: The Biology of Belief and the Psychology of Change

Mitchell Gibson
Mitchell Gibson, MD
Forensic Psychiatrist,
writer, artists, sofware developer, Clinical Professor of Medicine
and Psychiatry
Author, Signs of Mental illness, Signs of Psychic and Spiritual
Ability and Mission Impossible
Workshop: The
Spiritual World

Konstantin Korotkov
Konstantin Korotkov,
Director, St. Petersburg
Research Center on Medical and Biological Engineering, editor Journal
of COnsciousness and Physical Reality
Inventor, Gas Discharge Visualization Instrument
Professor, Academy of Natural Medicine
Researcher, Leningrad Polytechnical Institute
Author, Light After Life and Aura and Consciousness
Workshop: Measuring Energy Fields: Practical Way to Study Human Energy with GDV Bioelectrography
Workshop: Measuring
Energy of Space: New Revolutionary Sensor Technology for Analyzing
Energy of Different Places. Results of Expeditions to Sacred Places
in Different Countries

Sharry Edwards
Sharry Edwards
Director, Sound Health
Research Instititute, author, Decloaking Pathogens with Low-Frequency
Sound, researcher, Human BioAcoustics
Workshop: Miracles
of Non-Medicine
Workshop: Your
Voice holds the Potential for Self Health & Awareness
Cleve Backster
Cleve Backster
Featured in The Secret
Life of Plants and The Secret Life of Your Cells
Founder, Backster School of Lie Detection
Author, Primary Perception: Communication with Plants, Living
Foods, Bacteria and Human Cells
Workshop: Primary Perception: Biocommunication with Plants, Living Foods and Human Cells

John Cogswell
John Cogswell, PhD
Creator of the Walking
in Your Shoes process
Workshop: Walking in Your Shoes: A New Way of "Knowing"
Alexandra Katehakis
Alexandra Katehakis
Co-founder Walking in
Your Shoes Group. She
has been active in developing this transpersonal bodymind therapy
process for the past 12 years. Alexandra is in private practice
specializing in sexual/marital therapy and sexual disorders. She
has taught workshops on healthy sexuality in Greece, appeared on
Cyberradiotv and WebMD, and has been published in the Journal of
Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity.
Workshop: Walking in Your Shoes: A New Way of "Knowing"

Tina de Souza

Roger Hart
Roger Hart
Author: Through Time
Death and Reality: The Metaphysical Adventures of the Man Who Fell
Off Everest, geophysicist, professor, College of Ocean and Atmospheric
Workshop: Make Your Own Reality
John Reid
John Reid
Acoustics engineer from
England, inventor of the CymaScope, a 21st century electro-acoustics
device, researching how sound creates form through vocal sound,
natural sound, music, sacred language and how sound is influenced
by sacred space, author, Egyptian Sonics
Workshop: CymaScopy: The Sounds of Science
Susan Hale
Peter Italia
Peter Italia, MD
Using knowledge of spacetime
and time travel to help seriously ill and dying patients at major
hospitals, author, Supernatural Medicine
Workshop: Time Travel: Beyond Relativity

Scott Goode
Scott Goode, PhD
Professor, Baylor College
of Medicine in Pathology, Cell Biology and Molecular and Human Genetics,
researcher, consciousness and alternative medicing and the implications
of our shared ancestry with animals and the new genome science for
human consciousness
Workshop: Conservation of Consciousness
Mark Macy
Greg Tamblyn
Greg Tamblyn
Musician, Songwriter,
Recording Artist, Shootout at the I'm OK, You're OK Corral and
Website: www.gregtamblyn.com
Event details

Joe Miguez

Richard Moore
Richard Moore, MD,
PhD Biophysics
Author, The High Blood
Pressure Solution: A Scientifically Proven Program for Preventing
Strokes and Heart Disease.
Workshop: Habits of Thought, World Views and the Failures of Modern Medicine
Lee Baumann

Andrea Adler
Andrea Adler
Founder, Institute for
Holistic PR and Marketing
Author, Creating an Abundant Practise: A Spiritual and Practical
Guide for Holistic Practitioners and Healing Centers
The Science of Spiritual Marketing: An Initiation into Magnetism
Website: www.holisticpr.com

Tara Andrea and
Maboud Swierkosz
Tara Andrea and Maboud
Instructors, Dances
of Universal Peace
Evening Event: Dances
of Universal Peace

Ashley Rowan
Ashley Rowan
Founder, Bodymind Holistic
Center, certified instructor, White Lotus Flow Yoga, studied with
B.K.S. Iyengar
Early Morning Classes:
Yoga and the Focus of Consciousness

George Breed
George Breed, PhD
Leader, Mindfulness-Based
Stress Reduction
Early Morning Classes:
Stress Reduction

Titanya Dahlin
Titanya Dahlin
World class Middle Eastern
dancer and instructor, professional actress, produces one-woman
productions, Scheherazade - The Veil Behind the Blade and The Trancendance
Evening Event: Love is the Dancer at the Feast

Carmen Brocklehurst
Carmen Brocklehurst
Certified Tai Chi Chih
instructor, host of PBS television series, Tai Chi Chih: Joy Through
Early Morning:
Tai Chi Chih: Joy Through Movement