Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD
is a psychiatrist, Jungian analyst, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry,
a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association
and recipient of the Institute for Health and Healing's "Pioneers
in Arts, Sciences and the Soul of Healing Award." She is a
feminist and former board member of the Ms. Foundation for Women.
She is the author of The Tao of Psychology, Goddesses in Everywoman,
Gods in Everyman, Ring of Power, Crossing to Avalon, Close to the
Bone, The Millionth Circle, Goddesses in Older Women and
Crones Don't Whine. She brings an emphasis on the question
for meaning and the need for a spiritual dimension in life to all
aspects for her work, while also taking into account the powerful
effects of archetypes within us and family and culture upon us.
Her books are used as college and university texts in gender studies,
women's psychology, mythology, spirituality, east-west philosophy,
and psychology courses. She cofounded Psychic and New
Realities magazines, publications about parapsychological and
mind-body-spiritual subjects.
www.jean bolen.com
Monday, April 24
Urgent Message from Mother: Gather the Women, Save the World
-Jean Bolen-
Ballroom 2:00pm - 3:00pm
"Gather the Women" is a message from mother earth, mother Goddess,
mother archetype. The words evoke an intuitive recognition, a wisdom
whose time has come. Women as a gender, not every woman, but women
generally have a wisdom that is needed. "Gather the Women"
is a call from the Sacred Feminine to bring the feminine principle
into consciousness and culture, to be a critical mass, a tipping
point the metaphoric millionth circle and the antidote to patriarchy.
Goal: To understand who is Mother: the mother archetype, mother
instinct, Mother Earth, mother goddess, sacred feminine, to grasp
the Urgent Message, and to heed the call.
Learning objectives:
Understand that women as a gender have physiological and
psychological qualities needed for humanity and the planet to survive,
Learn the relationship between the suppression of the sacred
feminine, patriarchy, and war, and
Understand how culture transforms when a critical mass changes consciousness.
Monday, April 24
Goddesses of the Three Phases: Archetypal Sources of Wisdom and
- Jean Bolen -
Ballroom 3:30pm - 5:00pm
This workshop for men and women is an invitation to go into the
symbolic realm of the sacred feminine as a source of personal meaning.
The three phases of the Moon, the triple goddess, and woman as maiden/
mother/ crone are stages of a women's life and also aspects of a
man's feminine anima. These goddess archetypes have to do with the
descent of the soul into the underworld. This workshop includes
a guided meditation. Archetypal, psychological and spiritual realms
come together when meaning is found in myth.
The material presented is derived from clinical practice, archetypal
psychology, and classical mythology. It presents feminine archetypal
patterns as personified by Greek goddesses: each archetype has
characteristic qualities such as focus and meaning, relationship
patterns and pathological tendencies. Classical myths have underlying
themes that have psychological parallels. Archetypal psychology
provides a perspective in which both strengths and difficulties
are two sides of the same pattern. Archetypes can imbue a role
with spiritual meaning and enrich the work for both therapist and
Learning Objectives:
Learn seven major archetypal patterns based upon classical
Greek goddesses,
Learn about psychopathology from an archetype/complex perspective, and
Understand how personality is shaped by expectations and