Fred Alan Wolf, PhD
Theoretical Physics Author of many books including Taking
the Quantum Leap, Parallel Universes, The Dreaming Universe,
The Eagle's Quest, The Spiritual Universe, Mind into Matter,
Matter into Feeling and his latest book, The Yoga
of Time Travel: How the Mind Can Defeat Time. He continues
to write and conduct research on the relationship of quantum
physics to consciousness. Dr. Wolf has taught at the University
of London, the University of Paris, the Hahn-Meitner Institute
for Nuclear Physics in Berlin, The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, and San Diego State University in the United
States. His work in quantum physics and consciousness is
well known through his popular and scientific writing.
Wolf's inquiring mind has delved into the relationship between
human consciousness, psychology, physiology, the mystical,
and the spiritual. His investigations have taken him from
intimate discussions with physicist David Bohm to the magical
and mysterious jungles of Peru, from master classes with
Nobel Laureate Richard Feynman to the high deserts of Mexico,
from a significant meeting with Werner Heisenberg to the
hot coals of a firewalk.
Wednesday, April 26
The Yoga of Time Travel: How the Mind Can Defeat Time
-Fred Alan Wolf-
Ballroom 9:00am to 10:15am
Explore the ways of time travel in this program. Explore
the meaning of time travel and the roles played by memory
and attention and consider different forms of time travel
reviewing basic principles of physics involved in our notion
of time. We will look at some of the time travel paradoxes
that arise simply because we aren't used to thinking beyond
time and explore how time travel makes sense as we see how
our experiences in time are created from a sub-spacetime
realm. Depending on "time," we will explore (some
topics in greater detail than others):
• Why the teachings of yoga are pertinent to time travel.
• The spiritual quality of the timeless spaceless realm
and how ordinary scientific space and time compares with
spiritual, or sacred, space and time.
• The basic reasons why physicists now take time travel
seriously through a brief exploration of Einstein's general
and special theories of relativity.
• How certain adepts of India mastered time travel -- specifically
looking at the life of one adept, Sri Ramana Maharshi, and
how he showed that the self or ego traps mind in time and
• How modern physics explains time travel by taking a "tour
de force" through space, time, energy, space and time
distortion, black holes and gravitational time machines.
• How, although the general theory of relativity predicts
time travel, the two major paradoxes, the knowledge paradox
and the grandfather paradox arise.
• How we might engage in time travel using various devices
and technologies currently under theoretical development
and planned for the future.
• How possibility, probability, and time are related.
• How the notion of time arises from the mind and a mind-yoga
as a means for time travel.
• How the squaring procedure from quantum physics results
in a pattern of possibility-waves producing the past and
future as well as the present.
• A view of the sub-spacetime world as both a spiritual
and physical necessity.
Monday, April 26
Transforming Mind into Matter: New Alchemy of Science and Spirit
-Fred Alan Wolf-
Ballroom 10:30am to 12:00 noon
In this presentation we explore transforming mind into matter:
a New Alchemy. Within your own mind dwells a majestic story filled
with drama, pathos, humor, intelligence, fact and fantasy, which
is no less than the story of the entire universe, its creation,
transformation, and ultimate purpose. This story called "you-
unfolds into a panorama of life - literally a youniverse."
Learn how the mind becomes ensnared, falsely believing at times
that it is nothing but the body. Then, starting from the premise
that mind exists beyond the body we gain new insight into the mind/body,
connection. Using these as elements in a one-of-a-kind laboratory
we can then conduct experiments at the frontier of the real and
imaginal realms. These experiments result in profound personal
insights and new transformational possibilities for our lives.
Discover how our brains can act as time machines reaching into
the future to obtain information, and into the past to confirm
the validity of this data. Learn the significance of these connections
across time, and how they can alter what we believe and what we
experience in the physical world. We wind up this fantastic journey
with a new vision of mind, body, spirit, and soul, and a new alchemical
understanding of how the forces of purpose, creation, and transformation
within each of us, when used consciously, can enhance the meaningfulness
of everyday life.