Don Beck, PhD
Don is a member of the American
Psychological Association, the International Paleopsychology Project,
and Ken Wilber's Integral Institute. He is coauthor of Spiral
Dynamics: Mastering Values, Leadership and Change and The
Crucible: Forging South Africa's Future. He specializes on
the practical application of knowledge about human consciousness
in dealing with have/have not gaps, delicate racial divides, new
models of community development and geopolitical transformations,
and educational innovations.
He is presently working on a project to map the planetary migration
of biological DNA genetic scripts and cultural meme codes over
the seventeen natural habitats.
Tuesday, April 25
Codes of Culture, Global Maps, and Human Emergence: Meshing Science,
Consciousness and Common Sense.
- Don Beck-
Ballroom 2::00pm to 3:30pm, 4:00pm to 5:30pm
This media rich and provocative program shifts the focus from "Be
the Change we want to see in the world" to "Do the change the world
needs done" which, apparently, was Gandhi's true intent. Codes
of Culture will weave together the knowledge and action steps essential
to facilitate the continual emergence of six billion humans as
we migrate through different steps, stages, and waves of existence.
It will focus specifically on the life conditions and value system
codes that disrupt and block the natural flow, creating the cesspools
of poverty, violence, terrorism, and species-threatening behaviors.
Such a perspective reflects the seminal thinking of Professor Clare
W. Graves and three decades of theory construction and practical
applications. These range from South Africa to the Middle East,
and from First World developmental peaks and affluent life qualities
to struggles within "have not" populations in quest for justice,
prosperity, and a decent standard of living.
Everything, today, is both local and global, secular and sacred,
interior and external, bottom-up and top-down, and spiritual and
materialistic. All of us can run but we can no longer hide. The
bell now tolls for every inhabitant. Finally, Codes of Culture
proclaims the dawning of and sketches in the parameters of the
Integral Age, as the essential sequel to pre-modern, modern, and
post-modern worldviews.
Who will be interested?
1. Those who are weary of fragmented, narrow, and provincial thinking
and are seeking for a bold synthesis of everything to guide us
in making decisions about anything as we integrate macro, meso,
and micro efforts.
2. Those who truly want to "walk the talk" by learning what specifically
needs to be done now, and by whom, to close the developmental gaps
and heal our wounded world.
3. Those who are interested in actual case-studies and specific
applications in health care, education, geopolitics, religion-spirituality,
governance, community health and well being, along with sustainable
and resilience initiatives.