Gregg Braden
"Gregg Braden is a rare blend of scientist, visionary and scholar with the ability to speak to our minds, while touching the wisdom of our hearts."
Deepak Chopra, M.D.
Gregg has been a featured guest for international conferences and media specials, exploring the role of ancient wisdom and spirituality in science.
A former senior computer systems designer for Martin Marietta Aerospace, computer geologist for Phillips Petroleum and the technical operations manager for Cisco Systems, Braden is now considered a leading authority on bridging the wisdom of our past with the science of our future.
For more than 20 years Gregg has searched high mountain villages, remote monasteries, ancient temples and forgotten texts to uncover their timeless secrets. His search led to the 2004 release of the paradigm-shattering book, The God Code, revealing the ancient words of a timeless message coded into the DNA of all life!
From his groundbreaking book, Awakening to Zero Point, to the controversy of The Isaiah Effect, Gregg ventures beyond the traditional boundaries of science and spirituality, inspiring our deepest passions to create a better world.
Gregg Braden Sample (QuickTime)
Gregg Braden Sample (Windows Media Player)
Gregg Braden Interview (QuickTime)
Gregg Braden Interview (Windows Media Player)
For further information, please contact Gregg Braden's office at:
Wisdom Traditions
P.O. Box 5182
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87502
(505) 424-6892
Tuesday, April 25
When Here is There, and Then is Now: The Implications of Living
in a Holographic Universe
-Gregg Braden-
Ballroom 8:00pm - 10:00pm
There is something "out there." Just beyond our perceptions
of the everyday world there is a presence that is at once both
mysterious and comforting. We talk about it, feel it and believe
in it, perhaps without even understanding precisely what it is!
Regardless of how science and religion define it, it is clear that
this force is the great magnet that constantly pulls us toward
one another, connecting us with something beyond the everyday world.
In 1917, the father of quantum physics, Max Planck, stated "We
must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and
intelligent mindÉthis mind is the matrix of all matter."
Today, western science has refined our understanding of Planck's
matrix, describing it as a form of energy that is everywhere, always
present, and one that has existed since the beginning of time.
Additionally, the matrix appears to be holographic--meaning that
any portion of the matrix contains the pattern of the whole. The
existence of a holographic universe suggests three powerful principles:
1. Everything is connected
2. There is no "here" and "there."
3. The past, present and future are intimately linked.
Knowing that the matrix exists, it makes tremendous sense that
we'd be able to communicate with it in a way that is meaningful
in our lives. In a universe where experiences are connected and
repeated, the implications of our choices take on new meaning and
raise new questions regarding our most cherished traditions. Are
we "destined" to live out conditions that we have created
in the past? Is it necessary to "send" our good thoughts
and prayers to our loved ones, or does the energy used in sending
actually weaken the effect? Have we lived the patterns of war,
disease and misused technology in the past? Can the latest archaeological
discoveries from our past, guide us in our choices for our future?
Ultimately we may discover that our ability to live holographically
holds the key to our deepest healing, our greatest joy, and our
survival as a species. In this compelling multi-media program,
Gregg Braden will answer these questions and much more as he shares
the life-changing discoveries that led him from a successful career
in Aerospace and Defense, to an extensive study of the most cherished
traditions of humankind.