Cousens, MD, MD (H)
Gabriel is a spiritual teacher coming from the direct experience
of his own life and light. His teaching, as in Spiritual Nutrition
Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and the Awakening of
Kundalini, creates the conditions for experiencing divine bliss,
which is the primary motivation for liberation, as it achieves
the urge to live in an unending divine kiss. It gives you both
the technology and the inspiration to do this. Gabriel is the founder
of the Tree of Life Foundation and Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center.
Saturday, April 22
Spiritual Nutrition
- Gabriel Cousens-
Ballroom 3:30pm to 5:00pm
Gabriel discusses how to develop the optimal diet for spiritual
life and the awakening, expansion, and liberation of consciousness.
The focus is on how to alchemically transform the crude body and
mind into the subtle body and mind, so that our body-mind complex
becomes a superconductor for the Divine. Discussion includes the
understanding of the subtle anatomies, and how to enhance them
with the awakened use of live-food vegan nutrition. The Six Foundations
of this path build an attractor for Grace. They support the unfoldment
of our capacity to experience duality and non-duality simultaneously--in
both the "something" and the "nothing"--a walk
of awakened normality. This program includes lecture, Q&A, and