Jonathan Goldman is a musician, writer, and teacher. He
is an authority on sound healing and a pioneer in the field
of harmonics. Jonathan is the author of Healing Sounds;
The Power of Harmonics; Shifting Frequencies and The Lost
Chord. He has studied with masters of sound from both
the scientific and spiritual traditions, including the Dalai
Lama's Chanting Gyuto and Gyume Monks and has been empowered
by the Chant Master of the Drepung Loseling Monastery to
teach Tibetan Overtone Chanting.
Jonathan is the director of the Sound Healers Association
and president of Spirit Music, which produces music for
meditation, relaxation and self-transformation. Jonathan
has created numerous cutting edge recordings including:
Dolphin Dreams, Sacred Gateways: Drumming and Chanting,
Trance Tara and Medicine Buddha. His overtone chanting
is heard on Kitaro's Grammy Award winning CD. His latest
recordings are Ultimate Om and Holy Harmony.
Saturday, April 27
Science, Sound and Consciousness
-Jonathan Goldman-
Ballroom 3:30pm to 5:00pm
In ancient times, the use of sound to enhance and shift
consciousness was a sacred science. Sound was a vibrational
tool that could be used to heal both the physical body and
the etheric bodies as well as a means of creating alternate
perceptions of reality and communing with divine forces.
Now, the understanding of how sound can be used to create
frequency shifts and change our consciousness is reemerging.
Internationally acclaimed musician, teacher and author Jonathan
Goldman will share with you both ancient spiritual and modern
scientific knowledge of how to use sound as a healing and
transformational force.
Learn how sound can:
*Energize and balance our brain,
*Increase our immune system,
*Tune our nervous system,
*Resonate our DNA and cellular structure, and
*Enhance relaxation, reduce stress and heighten our consciousness.
This presentation includes group exercises, sound healing
techniques, extraordinary visual images, healing music and
cutting edge scientific and spiritual information. This
presentation includes material on: Cymatics, Bio-Resonance,
Sonic Entrainment, Intention, Sacred Sound & Toning. It
features slides, music and group experiences designed to
awaken knowledge of sound as a powerful modality to shift
Goal: To empower participants to use their own self-created
sounds to shift and change their consciousness.
Learning Objectives:
*To teach the principles of sound: resonance, entrainment,
frequency and intent,
*To recognize ways sound can assist in creating health and
balance in our daily lives, and
*To reawaken an understanding of how sound may be used to
shift consciousness and create transformational experiences.