John Reid
John, an Acoustics
Engineer from England, is the inventor of the CymaScope,
a 21st century electro-acoustics device, inspired by the
work of Ernst Chladni, Margaret Watts-Hughes and Hans Jenny.
He has taken their work to a new level and is researching
how sound creates form through vocal sound, natural sound,
music, sacred language and how sound is influenced by sacred
space. John has done research on Egyptian Sonics at the
Great Pyramid of Giza and has published a booklet of his

Susan Hale
Susan is a music therapist,
singer and author of Song and Silence: Voicing the Soul
and the forthcoming book Sacred Space Sacred Sound
about her research and experiences singing throughout the
world including at Chartres Cathedral, Stonehenge, Avebury,
Newgrange and the prehistoric cave of Lascaux. Susan has
a degree in Creative Arts Therapy and is a Fellow of the
Association for Music and Imagery. She teaches people how
to find and free the natural voice throughout the United
States, Britain and Canada. www.angelfire.com/nm/susong
Tuesday, April 25
CymaScopy: The Sounds of Science
-John Reid and Susan Hale-
Ballroom 2:00pm to 3:30pm, 4:00pm to 5:30pm
Everything that has ever existed, or will exist, in this
Cosmos and on Earth, is a complex web of intricate tracery,
woven layer upon layer, frequency upon frequency. CymaScopy
is an emerging science which studies sound by means of the
CymaScope, a powerful new tool with which we can explore
the enigmatic worlds of living organisms. This workshop
will focus on the science of sound, showing CymaGlyphs of
humans, birds, dolphins and sacred sounds from different
cultures and reveal how the iconography of a culture relates
to its musical instruments. John Reid will demonstrate CymaScope
and Susan Hale will discuss sacred sounds and songs from
different world cultures and lead us through vowel sounds
and other chants. Together we will see our voices in real
time demonstrated through CymaScope and hear about further
developments in the science of sound.
Through demonstrations of the CymaScope the goal of the
presentation is to give participants an understanding of
how sound creates form and its role in creation.
Learning Objectives:
*Discover the unique acoustic signature of the human voice
and the many voices in nature,
*Learn about freeing the voice through vowel exercises and
other vocal exercises, and
*Learn the importance of consonant and dissonant sounds
in our world, and how they affect our lives.