Shelley Kaehr, PhD
Dr. Kaehr is
one of the world's leading authorities on energy healing
and mind-body medicine. She is the author of Origins
of Huna: Secrets Behind the Secred Science, Gemstone Hourneys,
Lifestream, Galactic Healing, Beyond Reality: Evidence of
Parallel Universes, and Edgar Cayce's Guide to Gemstones,
Minerals, Metals and More.
She is a member of the American Board of Hypnotherapy, Master
Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and travels
throughout the world conducting thousands of journeys through
hypnosis and training energy healing practitioners. www.galactichealing.org
Tuesday, April 25
Beyond Reality: Evidence of Parallel Universises
-Shelley Kaehr-
Santa Fe Room 10:30am to 12:00 noon
Shelley is known for her work in past life regression and
future progressions and after a successful experiment of
taking clients into parallel universes, she summarized her
findings in her book Beyond Reality: Evidence of Parallel
Universes. Her work has been endorsed by such notables
as Gregg Braden, Raymond Moody, MD and Dr. Brian Weiss,
author of Many Lives, Many Masters, who calls her
work, "An important new contribution to the field of
regression therapy." Shelley is known for taking audiences
through powerful guided imagry journeys like the one you
will experience in this experiential program. Case studies
will also be covered.
Goal: To discover why the inner world affects your outer
reality and alters your perception of reality creating the
life you truly want to live.
Learning Objectives:
Journey into a parallel universe via hypnosis,
Discover how quantum physics affects your daily life,
Learn about case studies of parallel universes and
other dimensions of
consciousness, and
Explore how you can reshape reality to heal body,
mind and spirit.