Daniel Kinderlehrer, MD
Dan is a nationally
recognized holistic physician with expertise in the fields of nutrition,
allergy, environmental medicine, lyme disease and the healing of
mind-body-spirit as unified whole. He was cofounder of the New
England Center for Holistic Medicine. Dan has taught extensively,
including practitioner courses at the National Institute of Behavioral
Medicine. He coauthored the Antioxidant Save-Your-Life Cookbook
and is the author of Unraveling the Mysteries of Lyme Disease:
Can a Hidden Infection be the Cause of Your Chronic Illness?
Tuesday, April 25
Neuropeptides and Kabbalah: Where is the Mind and How Do We Heal
-Daniel Kinderlehrer-
New Mexico Ballroom 2:00pm to 3:30pm, 4:00pm to 5:30pm
In the past decade, science has elucidated more about the brain
and the mind than during the entire previous history of psychology
and neuroscience. However, as details of our molecular biology
emerge, it becomes clear that the only way to understand the human
mind is within a larger framework than molecules and electric potentials.
We need to discard Western concepts of mind-body communication
and, therefore, duality, and expand our awareness to body-mind
unity. The mind is not a separate entity in dialogue with our bodies.
The mind is a complex informational system throughout our bodies,
which enables our cells to talk with each other and the outside
This understanding of the mind is held within the cosmology of
the universe as described in the Kabbalah. The Kabbalah describes
the synthesis of Spirit-Beliefs-Energy-Emotions-and-Physicality,
or the process of consciousness becoming matter. The Kabbalah supplies
a framework for understanding mind-body oneness and the role of
molecular communication signals such as neuropeptides in the process
of creation.
In the second half of this program, Dan leads an experiential and
interactive healing session based on Kabbalistic principles and
the unity of God, mind and body.