JZ Knight
JZ Knight is the
founder and president of Ramtha's School of Enlightenment, the
president of JZK, Inc., the chairman of JZ Knight Humanities Foundation,
and the creator/owner of The Outback, a unique retail and online
boutique. She is the best selling author of A State of Mind:
My Story. Since 1979, she has been the "channel"
through which Ramtha the Enlightened One delivers his message.
JZ Knight is considered by many religious experts and historians
to be one of the most charismatic, remarkable, and challenging
spiritual leaders of the modern age.
Wednesday, April 26
Self as Mind, Matter as Mind, Human as Architect, Divine is Experience.
-JZ Knight-
Ballroom 1:30pm Ð 3:00pm, 3:30pm Ð 4:30pm
The ultimate mystery of one's life is one's own awareness and existence.
The needfulness of Deity/God is in essence the search for our Self
and its purpose. The idea that environment is somehow the staging
area to fulfill this mystery is a concept whose time has come.
Ramtha's model of reality and JZ Knight's personal experiences
in its application will offer participants new perspectives with
which to explore their own deep questions regarding the nature
of reality.
Goal: To gain a broader perspective of self and how one's self-perception
influences one's perception of reality.
Learning objectives:
*Gain knowledge on Quantum Theory and its relationship to Mind.
*Examine the consequences of operating within an outdated model
of conventional thought.
*Understand the true nature of how one creates reality.