Zachary Miller, PhD
Zachary is a Paris-based
counselor, parapsycholgist, researcher and independent filmmaker.
As director of the Enigma Group, he is using his lifelong
study and personal experience in examining the unexplained.
He has, since earliest childhood, been interested in all
things unusual, paranormal, supernatural and unexplained.
By the age of twelve,
he had an intensive personal meditation and prayer regime
and was reading Paramahansa Yogananda's Autobiography
of a Yogi. He had also begun studying ritual magick,
psychic phenomena and Tae-Kwon-Do. Later other interests
and fields of study included psychology, parapsychology,
chaos magick, ninjitsu, kung fu, isolation tanks, quantum
physics, parallel times, fasting, consciousness expansion,
astral projection, remote viewing, holistic health, massage,
energy work, tantric yoga, brain machines, comparative religions
and more. He felt that only by being a generalist or a Renaissance
human could one get a true picture of how the universe works
and how individuals could become their ultimate selves.
This was and remains his goal. His upcoming books include
Intention, Belief, Emotion and Will: Consciousness and
The Scientific Basis for Magick, and Maximizing Bioenergetic
Potential coauthored with Dr. Liviu Nuteanu. www.theenigmagroup.com
Liviu Nuteanu, MD
Dr. Nuteanu is senior
neurosurgeon at Bagdasar-Arseni Hospital in Bucharest, Romania.
In addition to his duties as a neurosurgeon he has trained
himself in bio-energetic healing and has destroyed cancer
cells in a laboratory demonstration made with two professors
(neurosurgeons) and a specialist in cellular biology; more
data available in the abstract published in the AIM Newsletter
(The Association for Integrative Medicine). He is also author
of Bioenergy and Integrative Medicine and Deputy
Secretary of the Romanian Society of Neurosurgery and is
Senior Research Associate of The Enigma Group. He is on
the Scientific Advisory Board of The Association for Integrative
Medicine. Miller & Nuteanu are currently doing research
and writing a book on Bioenergy.
Sunday, April 23
Intention, Belief, Emotion, and Will: Consciousness and
the Scientific Basis for Magick
-Zachary Miller and Liviu Nuteanu-
Ballroom 4:30pm to 5:30pm
It has been said that
every known culture in the history of the world has described
the existence of a life force energy within the human body
that can be directed or manipulated by the mind. It has
been called chi (Chinese), ki (Japanese), prana (Indian),
mana (Hawaiian), pneuma (stoics), spritus (Roman), rlung
(Tibetan), and more recently subtle energy, the field, bioenergy,
zero point field and the force. Is Magick the practice of
applying that energy. It is said that "Magick is the
art and science of causing change in accordance with the
will by non-physical means." (Aleister Crowley) and
"The art of producing changes in consciousness in accordance
with the will" (Dion Fortune).
In Magick, it is the
intent of the practitioner and his ability that clearly
influences the final outcome of any magickal operation.
Drs. Miller and Nuteanu will discuss the basic theories
behind Magick, what makes it work when it does and how do
those ideas relate to the new scientific discoveries recently
made regarding intention and belief? What is it exactly
that defines the ability of a magician? What skills must
he/she master? Most magicians, whether they practice High
Magick, Chaos Magick or any of the other forms focus on
such concepts as Intention, Belief, Emotion and Will. In
this program we will gain knowledge regarding the connection
between Science and Magick.
Goal: To show the basic
correlations between traditional Magick and the new scientific
discoveries regarding intention and belief.
Learning objectives:
*Learn basic theories regarding Magick,
*Learn how to use Magick in daily life,
*Learn ethical aspects in Magick, and
*Learn how magical practices can aid in the development
of personal consciousness, creativity and parapsychological
or paranormal abilities.
Monday, April 24
Maximizing Bioenergetic Potential
-Zachary Miller and Liviu Nuteanu-
La Terraza 10:30am to 12:00 noon
This experiential program
explores the myriad aspects of subtle energy work in healing,
both in-person and at-a-distance. It is an examination and
study of bioenergy and intentionality in healing that proposes
methods, practices, tools, techniques and systems that improve
the strength and efficacy of controlled manipulation of
this "subtle energy".
We will include some
theory as well as techniques for personally maximizing your
bioenergetic field and for utilizing biofield or energy
therapies for healing self and others. Dr. Miller will discuss
his use of bioenergy as it relates to healing, consciousness
shamanism and the paranormal. Dr.Nuteanu will also discuss
documented experiments in the lab of where he has personally
damaged cancerous cerebral tumor cells by the emission of
bioenergy. Both will lead you in simple exercises and techniques
for bioenergetic transmission and examine technological
possibilities for aiding in maximizing the effects of this
incredible and powerful energy source.
Goal: To show how we
can use and increase bioenergy to obtain health for ourselves
and others and generally improve our lives.
Learning objectives:
*Learn how to observe and feel Bioenergy,
*Learn the basic practice of healing utilizing bioenergy,
*Learn how to increase ones ability to do both in-person
and distance healing,
*Learn ethical aspects of Bioenergy use, and
*Learn how cultivating bioenergetic force can aid in the
development of personal consciousness, creativity and parapsychological
or paranormal abilities.