Russell, DCS
Peter studied mathematics and theoretical physics at the
University of Cambridge (UK) supervised for a while by Stephen
Hawking. As he became increasingly fascinated by the nature
of consciousness, he changed to experimental psychology,
gaining a first class degree in the subject. He also has
a post-graduate degree in computer science and conducted
some of the early research on 3-D displays and what is now
known as "virtual reality."
He was one of the first people to introduce human potential
seminars into the corporate field and for the last twenty
years has been lecturing and consulting to major corporations
on creativity, quality management and personal development.
His books include The Brain Book, The Global Brain Awakens,
The Creative Manager, The Consciousness Revolution, Waking
Up in Time and From Science to God. He also created the
award winning videos The Global Brain and The White
Hole in Time. www.peterrussell.com
Sunday, April 23
The Art of Letting Go
-Peter Russell-
Ballroom 2:00pm - 4:00 pm
The essential wisdom of the world's spiritual traditions
might be summed in two words: Let Go. To find true freedom,
we need to let go of our fears, judgments, assumptions and
attachments. These are all creations of the mind; they have
no independent existence. So why do we hold on to them?
How can we let go? Peter will explore the challenges of
letting go. What is it we really want? And why aren't we
getting it? How can we step behind the thinking mind to
subtler levels of consciousness? What does it take to be
more in the present moment? How can we listen better to
the still quiet voice within?
*Learn how to relax the mind.
*Learn how to access one's own inner wisdom.
*Practice being in the present.
Saturday, April 22
The Awkening of Consciousness
Peter Russell
Ballroom 9:15am -10:15am
We stand at
a most critical and exciting point in human history. For
thousands of years, mystical and spiritual traditions have
encouraged us to wake up to who and what we really are,
to discover our essential nature. Knowing that essence,
not just as an intellectual understanding, but as a direct
personal acquaintance, brings a profound ease, a relief
from our inner suffering, and opens the heart to unconditional
In the past, this awakening was held to be critical to our
individual salvation. Today it is critical for our collective
salvation. So many of the problems we are facing on a global
level have their roots in a limited, self-centered mode
of being. If we are to navigate our way safely through these
turbulent times then, as well as doing everything we can
to heal the planet, we need to take seriously the wisdom
accumulated over the centuries on how to free the human
mind from its attachments and self centered attitudes. We
need to heal ourselves; heal our souls.
What does the awakening of consciousness entail? Beneath
all the various teachings and techniques lies one a common
principle. Let go. Release the mind from attachments and
judgments. Return to the experience of present moment. And
in so doing, discover the freedom and ease that comes when
we open our awareness to the truth.Goal: Appreciate the
value of the world's wisdom traditions for contemporary
Learning Objectives:
Learn the essential nature of consciousness,
Discover the benefits of letting go, and
Explore why global crisis is at root a crisis of