Silva Freddy
Silva is the world's foremost expert on crop circles. He is author
of Secrets in the Fields: The Science and Mysticism of Crop
Circles, hailed by many as the most comprehensive book ever
written on this fascinating and multi-disciplinary phenomenon.
He is also a leading researcher into consciousness and sacred space,
and recently directed the DVD Stairways To Heaven: The Practical
Magic Of Sacred Space documentary. He is an international lecturer,
and a life-long student of Earth Mysteries, Sacred Space and ancient
systems of knowledge. Freddy has appeared in TV documentaries for
The History Channel and Discovery Channel, as well as numerous
video documentaries, and has been hosted on national radio shows
throughout the US, such as George Noory's Coast To Coast, Whitley
Streiber's Dreamland, and Jeff Rense.
Saturday, April 22
Gateways of the Gods: Incredible evidence of how ancient temples,
cathedrals and crop circles are shaping human consciousness.
-Freddy Silva-
Ballroom 7:30pm to 9:30pm
As science has discovered, the seemingly physical world is in fact
a complex array of spinning frequencies. Our ancestors were well
aware of this and built colossal monuments of stone across the
Earth, at locations where the magnetic properties of nature are
enhanced, facilitating altered states of awareness and communication
with more refined levels of reality.
The early Church recognized the importance of such sites, so it
superimposed its own houses of the holy upon them Ð the Gothic
cathedrals, in particular. In fact, temples such as Stonehenge
are not located haphazardly: they strategically mark the crossing
points of an invisible, yet measurable, magnetic grid that encircles
the Earth -- points where the planet's 'data storage' can be accessed
or influenced.
Since the late 19th Century, mysterious crop circles have materialized
with ever increasing frequency beside these ancient markers in
29 countries. What's more, these rhythmic designs are appearing
strategically along the same grid, and in the process have begun
waking sites that have lain dormant for centuries. So, what on
earth is going on?
The result of a decade of research, this ground-breaking program
connects a myriad of seemingly unconnected fragments, revealing
a picture that is stranger than fiction: that crop circles contain
measurable energetic properties which influence the rhythms of
the human body, its brainwave patterns, even consciousness itself.
And they are altering the chromosomes of plants, even encoding
the very water we drink. This slide show is a reminder of where
we come from and a signpost to where we are headed.