Tim Simmerman, CHt
Tim is the lead hypnotherapy instructor at the Hypnotherapy
Academy of America. He serves on the Board of Directors for the
International Registry of Medical Support Hypnotherapists and is
the past president of the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners.
As a graduate of the University of New Mexico School of Medicine
Paramedic Program, he teaches people how to integrate hypnotherapy
and conventional medicine into some of the most advanced clinical
hypnosis training available today. Tim is the author of Noetigenesis:
Tools For Healing In An Expanding Universe, which synthesizes
many ancient eastern teachings and perennial wisdom traditions
with recent western scientific discoveries in quantum physics,
quantum biology and developments in the science of consciousness
to support and increase our experience of aliveness.
Tim has a talent for distilling complex theories of the mind into
their practical therapeutic application, and will masterfully guide
you to an advanced understanding in the science of consciousness,
the use of altered states and the holistic health sciences. Tim's
enthusiasm comes from his direct experience in helping people create
the healthy, happy and successful lives they dream of.

Robert Sapien, MD
Robert has been in Pediatric Emergency Medicine for 19 years and
is Director of Emergency Pediatric Medicine at University hospital
in Albuquerque, New Mexico, He is recognized as a national expert
in emergency asthma care and school emergencies. As a certified
Clinical Hypnotherapist, he incorporates hypnosis in the care of
children in the Pediatric Emergency Department. He serves on the
Board of Directors for the International Registry of Medical Support
Hypnotherapists and also has an active hynotherapy practice, which
specializes in medical hynotherapy referral and consultation.
Monday, April 24
Quantum Biology, Holistic Medicine and Therapeutic Hypnosis from
the theoretical to the practical
-Tim Simmerman and Robert
Ballroom 10:30am to 12:00 noon
In this experiential program recent discoveries in Quantum Biology
and the Noetigenic Field explain how therapeutic hypnosis facilitates
what many call human miracles. Tim and Robert show how extraordinary
states of consciousness are being used to create lasting positive
change, improve health and prevent illness. Through scenario based
examples, you will learn how hypnotherapy is being used for pain
control and healing. Also experience a simple step-by-step hypnosis
process to generate an extraordinary state of consciousness. Then
utilize this extraordinary state to perform a Telesomatic Healing
session, which has been likened to prayer on rocket fuel!
Learning Objectives:
*Describe hypnosis and its applications to health,.
*Describe the relationship between the emerging science of quantum
biology, altered states and holistic health, and
*Define and apply Telesomatic Healing method.