Russell is a physicist who was a pioneer in the development of
the laser and other laser applications. He was cofounder of the
Stanford Research Institute's investigation into psychic abilities
in the 1970s and 1980s. His work in this area, remote viewing,
was published in Nature, Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers and Proceedings of the American Association
for the Advancement of Science. He is coauthor of six books
dealing with the scientific investigation of psychic abilities
including Miracles of Mind: Exploring Non-Local Consciousness
and Spiritual Healing, Heart of the Mind: How to Experience God
Without Belief , Limitless Mind and The End of Suffering: A Guide
to Fearless Living. In 1997, Targ retired from Lockheed Martin
Missiles and Space Company as a senior scientist and now pursues
ESP research.
Monday, April 24
Limitless Mind and the End of Suffering
-Russell Targ-
Ballroom 3:30pm to 5:00pm
Targ, a physicist and consciousness researcher, will describe how
we can learn to surrender the story of who we think we are, and
experience the end of our suffering. This is a path that can provide
direct experience of the fact that the peace, love, and spaciousness
we are all looking for is already within us. This program brings
together the enduring teachings of the East on peacefulness and
self-realization, and puts them into a modern framework emphasizing
experience over belief. Targ demonstrates that the dualistic logic
of Aristotle is a significant source of suffering today. It is
through his writings on non-contradiction that we are falsely taught
that we and the Divine are separate -- rather than one. Targ will
also provide an opportunity to experience your own true nature
as nonlocal awareness.