William Tiller, PhD
Fellow to the American Academy
for the Advancement of Science, Professor William Tiller, of Stanford
University's Department of Materials Science, spent 34 years in
academia after 9 years as an advisory physicist with the Westinghouse
Research Laboratories. In his conventional science field he has
published over 250 scientific papers, 3 books and several patents.
In parallel, for the past 30 years, he has been avocationally pursuing
serious experimental and theoretical study of the field of psychoenergetics
which will become a very important part of tomorrow's physics.
In this new area, he has published an additional 100 scientific
papers and two seminal books: Science and Human Transformation
and Conscious Acts of Creation: The Emergence of a New Physics.
Saturday, April 22
Some Science Adventures with Real Magic: Robust Experimental Data
-William Tiller-
Ballroom 10:45am to 12:00 noon
As Arthur C. Clarke said years ago, "any sufficiently advanced
technology is indistinguishable from magic." This presentation
provides a body of experimental data that will seem like magic
based upon the present quantum mechanics (QM) and past classical
mechanics (CM) paradigms of world science. However, it is completely
lawful based upon an expanded paradigm.
We have discovered a "consciousness" procedure for imprinting
a specific intention in a simple, low tech, electronic device.
With four devices, and thus four uniquely different intentions,
we have robustly altered the experimental measurements of four
conjugated experimental apparati in complete accord with the specific
intentions. One of these target experiments has been successfully
replicated at ten different US and European sites.
Goal: To provide strong experimental evidence that human intention
can significantly influence physical reality.
Learning Objectives:
*To show that human intentions, conscious and unconscious, influence
our collective physical reality,
*To show that solid experimental data supports this contention,
*To show that human intention can alter and illuminate the fundamental
substratum of physical reality.
Saturday, April 22
Some Science Adventures with Real Magic: Theoretical Explication
of the Experimental Data
-William Tiller-
Ballroom 3:30pm to 5:00pm
Experimental data reveals that we have entered a new era wherein
the new science being created conforms to the reaction equation:
Mass = Energy = Consciousness. For about the past 400 years, the
operating reaction equation has been only the first two terms.
The experimental data reveals that a new reference frame (RF) for
viewing psychoenergetic science of the future, must extend well
beyond spacetime. A new RF involving duplex, reciprocal, four -dimensional
subspaces (one of which is spacetime) imbedded in the higher dimensional
domains of emotion, mind and spirit is provided to explicate all
of our conventional data plus all of our psychoenergetic data.
Goal: To provide a new theoretical reference frame for viewing
nature so that evolving science can incorporate living systems
into its purview and form a relevant paradigm for this and future
Learning Objectives:
*To show that a new reference frame for science allows both psychoenergetic
and non-psychoenergetic processes to be treated scientifically
on an equal basis,
*To show that physical reality consists of two unique levels, one
presently non-accessing via conventional instrumentation, but which
becomes accessible with sufficient applied consciousness, and
*To reveal a newly invented instrument procedure for experimentally
measuring the degree of elevation of intention-conditioned space
above that for normal physical reality.