Paul Von Ward
Paul is author of Gods, Genes and Consciousness; Our
Solarian Legacy: Multidimensional Humans in a Self-Learning
Universe; Solarian Legacy: Metascience and New Renaissance
and Dismantling the Pyramid: Government by the People.
He started his professional life as a Protestant minister
and psychologist. He then dedicated three decades to public
service, consecutively as a U. S. naval officer, U.S. diplomat,
and founder and CEO of a cross-cultural and educational
nonprofit. With degrees from Harvard and Florida State University,
he combines cross-cultural and interdisciplinary research
in his self-defined role as "cosmic puzzle-master,"
filling the blanks in humanity's cosmological cross-word
Saturday, April 22
Our Species Multiple Personality Disorder: The Fragmentation
of Human Consciousness -Paul Von Ward-
Ballroom 10:45am to 12:00 noon
How did humans reach the point where various groups actually
live in different psychological realities? An interdisciplinary
re-examination of history suggests why and how modern human
consciousness became fragmented into mutually antagonistic
views of the universe and Homo sapiens' place in it. Paul
presents evidence to support a thought-provoking hypothesis
that accounts for the derailment of humanity from its integrated
and natural path of development, resulting in an era of
god-cults, subsequent magical thinking, and the fundamental
split between science and modern supernaturalism. Drawing
on research from the history of science and culture, archaeology,
anthropology, linguistics, genetics, psychology, and ancient
texts, he paints a compelling picture of a past long-forgotten
and continually re-shaped by vested interests.
Goal: To gain new insights into the historical roots of
modern human consciousness. Learning Objectives:
Understand the historical evidence for an early singular
mode of consciousness.
Learn the origins of modern belief systems, and
Learn about paradigms and world views that divide humans
from one another.
Monday, April 24
Four Modes of Human Consciousness: Materialism, Supernaturalism,
Mysticism, and Naturalism
Paul Von Ward
Ballroom 3:30pm to 5:30pm
Efforts to predict 2004 voting patterns failed due to lack of psychologically
sensitive tools that reflected contradictory "states of mind" in
the American society. Simplistic belief categories like "moral
values" and "war on terrorism" misled candidates and analysts.
Labels like liberal/conservative, left/right, pragmatists/believers,
and science/faith don't accurately identify the divisions.
The current fragmentation of consciousness is much deeper and more
susceptible to psychological manipulation than we have assumed.
This workshop introduces an assessment tool (similar to the Myers-Briggs
model) that identifies four modes of consciousness (materialism,
supernaturalism, mysticism, and naturalism) that shape individual
emotions and behaviors. Take part in a study to measure the fault
lines in modern consciousness and help develop strategies to bridge
them. (Experiential workshop)
Goal: To develop an understanding of the way belief systems affect
emotions and behavior on important issues.
Learning Objectives:
Grasp the relationship between core beliefs and assumptions about
the nature of reality and human actions,
Gain insight into psychological assessment techniques, and
Develop new ways to think about social conflicts.