The Message Company produces international conferences on consciousness in the fields of science, shamanism, sound healing, sacred sexuality, and business. We also host Business Spirit Journal Online, which offers information, inspiration and resources for anyone who wants to be more conscious, spiritual and whole in their business or place of work. Our extensive A/V library features many of the leading thinkers, movers and shakers who are on the leading edges of a silent yet profound cultural transformation. The Message Company produces international conferences on consciousness in the fields of science, shamanism, sound healing, sacred sexuality, and business. We also host Business Spirit Journal Online, which offers information, inspiration and resources for anyone who wants to be more conscious, spiritual and whole in their business or place of work. Our extensive A/V library features many of the leading thinkers, movers and shakers who are on the leading edges of a silent yet profound cultural transformation.

Welcome To The 2005 Shamanism Press Room!
Here you will find links to all of the Press Releases we have sent on behalf of our presenters for this upcoming event! Stay tuned as we add further releases!

Find out more about our incredible presenters!

Press Release #1 - Lewis Mehl-Madrona

Press Release #2 - Alberto Villolda

Press Release #3 - Jose Stevens
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