Through the word you express your creative power. It is through the word that you manifest everything. By hooking our attention, the word can enter our mind and change a whole belief
(Don Miguel Ruiz)
We create our place in the world through our language. Language Is Consciousness In Action The Human Operating System Itself. Indeed, we are our words in deed.
We live through our words. Living fully and richly begins with how we language ourselves and what we desire. If I’m seeking more success, I begin by using the language of success and prosperity
immersing myself in it.
When we speak our words, we focus our attention and energy on what we’ve spoken. Then our actions follow that energy. Our unconscious mind, the engine behind our actions, responds to words literally. It believes and acts on what it hears, from others or ourselves. If I use or take in poor me language, my unconscious says, At your orders, captain! Poverty is our destination. Steer a straight course there. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.
Our words create a mould, which shapes reality into what we desire it to be. So it’s clearly in our highest interest to speak only what we choose to invite into our lives. Intentional creation requires intentional languaging. We CAN evolve to functioning at the higher levels of language, which support us in meeting our higher level needs. We CAN move from totally reactive to fully creative
from poor / powerless / little me to boundless me.
I invite you to express success in your life by creating new language for yourself.
Evolve your thoughts; they become words.
Evolve your words; they become actions.
Evolve your actions; they become habits.
Evolve your habits; they become your character.
Evolve your character, for it becomes your destiny.
(Frank Outlaw - paraphrased)
Just notice, non-judgmentally, when your language does and doesn’t support you in being big, in moving into your vision of yourself. When it doesn’t, what alternate language would propel you forward?
Sterling coaches people to invent their lives through their language
to transform themselves by re-programming their operating system.
His motto is: See it; say it; let it be it so!
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© Sterling Van De Moortel and Coaching Works, Inc. 2000