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Spiritual Selling:
How to Use the Attractor Sales System to Create Abundance in Your Business
by Joe Nunziata
Wiley Books
ISBN: 978-0-470-13393-4
Spiritual Selling
How to use the Attractor Sales System to Create Abundance in Your Business
Abundance. Defined as "a great and plentiful amount." Too often we associate abundance with wealth, forgetting that it could also refer to fulfilling relationships, improved health, or a simple state of joy.
As a salesperson, it may seem like all the key elements are in place: a great product, a great service, and great prospects. But for some reason there aren't enough sales. Countless books on new sales techniques aren't changing things either. Something is blocking those sales, and it might take a while to realize that the block is coming from inside of the salesperson.
Joe Nunziata was neither spiritual nor successful before his first visit to a medium changed him. He realized life was more than just a race to the finish line and by applying his spiritual strength to the business world he could lead a much more fulfilling life. He shares his profound insight and advice in SPIRITUAL SELLING.
SPIRITUAL SELLING introduces the Attractore Sales System, a methodology that combines spirituality with practical sales strategies and introduces sales people to a powerful new way of thinking about the way they sell their products and services.
Selling requires an understanding of your energy and the law of attraction between similar energies. Learning to focus on the task at hand while keeping in touch with your feelings and maintaining your energy is of utmost importance. Achievement of this spiritual state is assisted by Nunziata's step-by-step process for succeeding at Spiritual Selling. This process includes defining your mission, knowing your brand, building your sales process, creating a funnel system, and lastly - having fun.
"Know your customer better than you know yourself. The system revolves around the customer." - Joe Nunziata
Spiritual Selling is an exciting journey into a new way of thinking about the way you sell your product or service. The idea requires a strong level of trust, a willingness to believe in something that you cannot see or prove by scientific standards. The skill is connected with your own sense of self-worth and importance, a belief that you are meaningful to your world.
Rather than focusing on sales tactics, SPRITUAL SELLING offers a counterintuitive approach based on the salesperson's own internal energy. While innovative sales techniques will help salespeople sell a little more or a little faster, SPIRITUAL SELLING shows them how to attain success by attracting more and better clients to them - essentially improving sales results by first improving the salesperson. The perfect combination of philosophy and tactics, SPIRITUAL SELLING is a selling guide like no other.
Joe Nunziata is an internationally renowned speaker, author and sales and marketing expert. In 1992, Joe founded Top Notch Training as a personal development company.
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