Natural Investing is penetrating the fortresses of Wall Street say Hal Brill, Jack Brill, and Cliff Feigenbaum, the authors of Investing With Your Values: Making Money and Making a Difference.
In their book, the authors cite a 1997 study conducted by the Social Investment Forum. The study found that 1.2 trillion in assets that are under management in the United States are in socially and environmentally responsible portfolios
an increase of 227 percent since the Forum’s 1995 study. Nearly one out of every ten dollars invested in America is part of a socially conscious portfolio.
In Investing With Your Values, authors Hal Brill, Jack Brill, and Cliff Feigenbaum, offer a fascinating history of the interface of money and values. They present compelling evidence that values-inclusive investors can actually outperform the market and are a force for social change. The book’s central concept of Natural Investing is a visionary breakthrough that enables people across the entire philosophic and economic spectrum to identify their values, bring them into the financial arena
and prosper.