Video and Audio tapes are available of most of our past presenters. Click Here for On-line Shopping or Here for printable PDF Forms.
Who Presented at Previous
Business & Consciousness Conferences?
The 2003 International Conference on Business and Consciousness will be the 8th in a series of conferences that began in 1995 as The International Conference on Spirituality in Business. See the 2003 Speakers Page. Below is a listing of the people who have shared their extraordinary vision and energy to help make these popular events so enriching over the years:
Patricia Aburdene, PhD, coauthor, Megatrends series and Reinventing the Corporation |
Ray Anderson, Founder, President, CEO and Chairman of Interface (largest carpet manufacturer in the world), author, Eco-Odyssey of a CEO |
Arjuna Nick Ardagh, founder, Living Essence Foundation, author, Relaxing into Clear Seeing |
James Autry, former President, Meredith Magazine Group, author, Real Power and Life & Work: A Managers Search for Meaning |
Coleman Barks, poet and translator |
Richard Barrett, former Values Coordinator, The World Bank, Fellow, The World Business Academy, author, Liberating the Corporate Soul |
Gita Bellin, McKinsey & Company |
Toni Bergins, Kripalu DansKinetics instructor, cofounder, DramaWorks Interactive Business Theater |
Brad Blanton, PhD, founder, Center for Radical Honesty, author, Radical Honesty and Practicing Radical Honesty |
Lee Bolman, PhD, director, Center for Leadership Development, coauthor, Leading with Soul, Becoming a Teacher Leader and 8 other books |
Jan Bradley, PhD, offers Labyrinth Walks and the Medicine Wheel Mandala to help enrich and expand the heart and consciousness. She facilitates workshops internationally, actively engaging and empowering participants, to a one heart, one spirit experience. Jan is a Feng Shui practitioner, ordained minister, hypnotherapist, writer, counselor, and certified labyrinth facilitator. |
Don Bradley, has been in various departments of management and technical sales within the same company for over thirty years. A Penn State engineering graduate with advanced business and marketing training, he has witnessed and personally experienced the ever changing business climate, which has helped him hone in on what is really the key factor: bringing spirituality into business. Loving what you do, loving the people youre around. He is the author of Customer Service: A Spiritual Experience. |
Terry Braverman, recovering standup comedian (still in recovery), corporate advisor author, When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Lighten Up! |
Hal Brill, coauthor, Investing with Your Values: Making Money and Making a Difference and Investing from the Heart, cofounder, Natural Investment Services |
Jan Brogniez, CEO, Perfect Customers Unlimited |
Rinaldo Brutoco, founder, World Business Academy, President, Red Rose Collection, chairman, Dorason Corporation |
Darrell Butler, Vice-President of Diversity and Whole Life, The Merck Company |
Jaqueline Cambata, CEO, Phoenix Chemical Limited, founding trustee, World Business Academy, commissioner, Global Commission to Fund the United Nations |
Susan Campbell, PhD, founder, Organization Alignment Project, designer, Truth at Work interactive game, cofounder, Institute for the Study of Conscious Evolution, author of five books |
Jack Canfield, coauthor, Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work and 15 other Chicken Soup for the Soul books and audio tapes |
Deepak Chopra, MD, author, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, The Path to Love, Creating Affluence, Quantum Healing and 16 other books |
David Clancey, PhD, Director, Affiliates for Critical Leadership (Australia) |
Vicky Coates, founder, Rennaissance Business Associates (South Africa) |
Ben Cohen, Cofounder and Chairman, Ben & Jerry's, founder and President, Business Leaders for Sensible Priorities |
Matthew Cross, Deming scholar, founder, American Credit Systems, President, Leadership Alliance |
Gordon Davidson and Corinne McLaughlin, Co-founders, Center for Visionary Leadership, co-authors, Spiritual Politics, Money and a New Spiritual Economics, Applying the Laws of Energy for Corporate Success |
Terry Deal, PhD, coauthor, Corporate Cultures, Leading with Soul, Reframing Organizations and 21 other books |
Bill DeFoore, PhD, co-author, The New Bottom Line and Rediscovering the Soul in Business. President of the Institute for Personal and Professional Development. |
Gun Denhart, founder and Chairperson, Hanna Andersson Corporation |
Riane Eisler, Founder, Center for Partnership Studies, corporate consultant, author, The Chalice and the Blade, The Partnership Perspective: Rediscovering our Past, Reclaiming our Future, The Partnership Way: Changing the Rules of the Game |
Cliff Feigenbaum, publisher, Green Money Journal, Spirituality and Money: Bringing the Worlds Together |
Marilyn Ferguson, author, Aquarian Conspiracy, editor, Brain/Mind Bulletin. |
Jessica Garza Fernandez, Director, Emerging Leaders International |
David Firth, founder, The Lords of Misrule theatre company, author, How to Make Work Fun! and The Corporate Fool: Say the Unsayable, Do the Undoable. |
Matthew Fox, PhD, author, The Reinvention of Work, Passion for Creation, Work and Spirituality and 19 other books, President, University of Creation Spirituality |
Robert Gass, EdD, President, Spring Hill Music, musical director, On Wings of Song, Chair, Greenpeace |
Tom Gegax, founder, CEO, former 11Chairman and Head Coach, Tires Plus (140 store chain), "Changing The World One Tire At A Time" |
Michael Gerber, author, The E-Myth, Reinventing Small Business in America, The E-Myth Manager and others |
Linda Groat, PhD, author, Giving Places Meaning |
William Guillory, PhD, author, Living Organizations - Spirituality in the Workplace and Empowerment for High Performing Organizations. |
Stephen Hacker, MBA, Director, The Performance Center, coauthor, Work Miracles |
John Hagelin, PhD, Director, Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy, Natural Law Party candidate for President of the United States of America |
Stacey Hall, former Senior Marketing Specialist, FedEx, author, Strategic Synchronicity: The Art of Attracting Perfect Clients |
Willis Harman, PhD, Co-founder, World Business Academy |
Hazel Henderson, futurist, economist, Fellow of the World Business Academy, author, Building a Win-Win World, Paradigms in Progress, and others |
Gay Hendricks, PhD, coauthor, The Corporate Mystic and Conscious Loving |
John Izzo, PhD, author, Awakening Corporate Soul and Value-Shift: Winning Commitment of the New Work Force |
Barry Heerman, MBA, PhD, author, Building Team Spirit |
Stan Herman, Author, The Tao at Work |
Liz Herron and Aaron Kipnis, Co-founders, Gender Relations Institute, co-authors, What Men and Women Really Want, Creating Community Between Women and Men at Work, Men and Women=Creativity2 |
Barbara Marx Hubbard, futurist, visionary, US vice-presidential nominee, author, Conscious Evolution |
Rachel Hubka, Founder and President, Rachel's Bus Company |
Bill Isaacs, Director, Dialogue Project at Massachussetts Institute of Technology, founder, Dialogos, author, Dialogue and the Art of Thinking Together |
Dennis Jaffe, PhD, Professor of Organizational Inquiry, Saybrook Graduate School, coauthor, Take This Work and Love It, Organizational Vision, Values and Mission and 17 other books |
Jens Jerndal, MD, DSc, former Swedish diplomat, former investment consultant, property administrator and holiday resort promoter. Practitioner and teacher of holistic medicine. Involved in the property and construction business on the Canary Islands. Awarded two knighthoods. |
Laurie Beth Jones, author, Jesus CEO |
Michael Jones, composer, pianist, recording artist, Pianoscapes, Touch and 10 others, author, Creating an Imginative Life |
Gurucharan Khalsa, PhD, expert in the applied psychology of meditation and peak performance, trainer, Tony Robbins Life Mastery University |
Chantal Kovach, Former CEO, Intelligent Nutrients Division of Aveda Corporation |
Gregg Levoy, author, Callings: Finding and Following an Authentic Life |
Loida Lewis, Chair and CEO, Beatrice Foods International |
Kate Ludeman, coauthor, The Corporate Mystic |
Ken Macher, President, Management Advances |
Elsie Maio, marketing and brand strategist |
Clare Crawford-Mason, coauthor, Quality or Else! The Revolution in World Business and Thinking about Quality: Progress, Wisdom and the Deming Philosophy, producer, PBS series Quality or Else, NBC documentary If Japan Can, Why Cant We?, 34 volume Deming Video Library, 8 volume Better Management for a Changing World, founding editor, People Magazine, winner, Peabody Award and two Emmy Awards |
Suzanne Maxwell, coauthor, Tales From Open Space, faculty, Center for Creative Leadership |
Bambi McCullough, Senior Vice-President, Sterling Bank |
Robert McGregor, President, Minnesota Center for Corporate Responsibility, author, Corporate Values in a Changing World: AWorld Standard of Ethical Business Behavior |
Brooke Medicine Eagle, ceremonial leader, ecologist, author, Buffalo Woman Comes Singing |
William Miller, President, Global Creativity Corporation, author, Flash of Brilliance, Quantum Quality and The Creative edge |
Dan Millman, former world champion athlete, author, Way of the Peaceful Warrior, Everyday Enlightenment, The Life You Were Born To Live, and 6 other books |
Ian Mitroff, author, Smart Thinking for Crazy Timesa |
Richard Moss, MD, spiritual teacher, author, The I That is We, How Shall I Live, The Second Miracle and others |
Oscar Motomura, CEO, Amana-Key, (Brazil) |
Kristen Nelson, Marketing Director, Aveda |
Maria Nemeth, PhD, author, The Energy of Money |
Ted Nicholas, President, Nicholas Direct, Inc. |
Onye Onyemaechi, MBA, Nigerian master drummer and dance performer, corporate counselor |
Carol Orsborn, author, How Would Confucius Ask for a Raise and The Art of Resilience |
Rolf Österburg, author, Corporate Renaissance |
Carol Pearson, PhD, President, Center on Archetypal Studies and Applications, author, The Hero Within, Awakening the Hero Within and Magic at Work |
Natalie Petouhoff, PhD Engineering, Change Management agent with PriceWaterhouseCoopers, author, Return-on-Investment in Human Resources and The Remote is in Your Control |
Brenda Rarey, MBA, accountant,
founder, Accountants for Social Measurement |
Natalie Reid, President, Written Communications Consulting Firm, Making Changes |
John Renesch, Publisher, New Leaders newsletter |
Michael Rennie, Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company |
Anita Roddick, Founder and Chief Executive, The Body Shop |
Peter Russell, DCS, author, The Creative Manager, The Global Brain Awakens, The White Hole in Time, The Brain Book and The Awakening Earth |
Martin Rutte, coauthor, Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work |
Victor Sanchez, anti-anthropologist from Mexico, author The Toltec Path of Recapitulation: Healing Your Past to Free Your Soul and The Teachings of Don Carlos |
Carol Sanford, Human Systems Development theorist, educator and practitioner |
Louis Savary holds a doctorate in mathematical statistics applied to the behavioral sciences and a second in spirituality. He has written, coauthored and ghostwritten over 70 books. He coauthored the breakthrough book in the self-exploration of consciousness, Passages: A Guide for Pilgrims of the Mind, and one of the first books on right and left brain learning called Mindways. For the past 20 years he has served as a management consultant and trainer, and has written course materials for the business video series, Quality or Else! |
John Scherer, author, Work and the Human Spirit |
Claudine Schneider, five term US Congresswoman, Emmy Award winner, cofounder, Energia Global |
Tim Schreck, MBA, PhD, former professor of Industrial Psychology and Counseling |
Lance Secretan, PhD International Relations, former CEO of the worlds largest employer (Manpower, Ltd.), author, Reclaiming Higher Ground: Creating Organizations that Inspire the Soul and 9 other books |
Sarah Severn, Global Director, Nike Environmental Action, Nike |
Alfredo Sfeir-Younis, Vice Presidency for Europe, The World Bank, Special Representative to the United Nations |
Charlotte Shelton, PhD, author, Quantum Leaps, cofounder, WiseWork |
Barbara Shipka, Board member, World Business Academy, author, Leadership in a Challenging World: A Sacred Journey |
Yakov Smirnoff, famous Russian comedian |
Richard Smith, Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership |
Greg Steltenpohl, founder and Chairman, Odwalla Juice Company |
Michael Stephen, Chairman, Aetna International, former President and CEO, Aetna Canada |
Bill Strickland, President and CEO, Bidwell Training Center, cofounder, San Francisco Center for Advanced Technology and Education |
Greg Tamblyn, musician, songwriter, recording artist, Shootout at the Im OK, Youre OK Corral and others |
Luisah Teish, PhD, Vice President, Association for Transpersonal Psychology, Yoruba priestess, performer, storyteller and ritual events planner |
Michael and Justine Toms, founders, New Dimensions Radio, authors, True Work: The Sacred Dimension of Earning a Living |
Paula Underwood, director, The LearningWay Company, author, Who Speaks for Wolf and many other books |
Jai Uttal, musician and singer |
Neale Donald Walsch, author, Conversations with God and many other books |
Susan Winter Ward, yoga instructor, author, video producer, creator, Yoga for the Young at Heart |
Matt Weinstein, Emperor, Playfair, author, Managing To Have Fun |
Dan Whalen, MBA, Founder and President, Whalen and Company |
Richard Whiteley, cofounder and Vice Chairman, The Forum Corporation, author, The Customer-Driven Company, Customer-Centered Growth and ReSpiriting Work |
Margaret Wheatley, PhD, author, Leadership and The New Science and A Simpler Way, President, Berkana Institute |
Judy Wicks, activist entrepreneur, owner, White Dog Cafe, winner, Business Enterprise Trust Award |
Marta Wilson, PhD, Director, The Performance Center, coauthor, Work Miracles |
Fred Alan Wolf, PhD, Author, Taking the Quantum Leap |
Joyce Wycoff, MBA, founder, Innovation Network, author, Mindmapping and Transformation Thinking |
Leslie Yerkes, coauthor, 301 Ways to have Fun at Work |
Click here to see the group photo from the
1998 Business & Consciousness Conference
(Please be patient! It may take a while.)
Video and Audio tapes are available of most of our past presenters. Click Here for On-line Shopping or Here for printable PDF Forms.
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