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Directory of Incentives for Business Investment & Developement in the US


Urban Institute

Directory of Incentives for Business Investment & Developement in the US



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Most states now have various forms of financial incentives, tax incentives, nonfinancial incentives, and programs to improve the business environment. The number of different state programs has now become so large that it is difficult to keep informed.

This directory was designed to narrow the information gap on state incentives. It is a unique one-volume source book on incentive programs of all categories in all states. Most of the information contained in this volume is not easily accessible because this information is not available from library sources and must be obtained directly from state agencies.

Business executives can use it to determine the type and amount of incentives available to their firms. Public officials can use it to evaluate and compare different incentives and to design and administer incentive programs.

660 pages, 8 1/2 X 11 paperback
ISBN# Publisher:


Urban Institute Press, Washington, DC.

United States

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