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The Environmental Catalogue And Consumer’s Guide For A Safe Earth
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Anderson, Bruce
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Put your money to work for the planet and the issues you care about with this definitive buyer's guide to environmentally safe products. Ecologue is a review of more than six hundred products by name, complete with photos, prices, and ordering information. It pulls no punches in telling you which products help the environment, and which ones harm it. Among the products covered are:
• Biodegradable cleaners, personal-care and baby products
• Plumbing fixtures that save energy, water and money
• Nontoxic fertilizers and natural pest control for your lawn and garden
• Home and office recycling aids and recycled paper suppliers
• Weather-stripping, wood stoves, shade trees, and other home fuel savers
• Solar-powered outdoor lights, cooking systems, and cars
• Cosmetics that aren’t developed through animal testing
• Books, toys, and games to make earth-consciousness part of your children’s everyday life and a host of others!
Ecologue shows you how to put economic clout behind your environmental concerns, starting now! Open it anywhere, and you are guaranteed to find information that will help you actually do something about any one of a whole range of issues, including: recycling; fuel, energy and water conservation; clean air and water; and animal rights.
Ecologue is, quite simply, your catalogue and guide to making your home, garden, and workplace part of the solution instead of part of the problem.
256 pages, 8 1/2 X 11 paperback, illustrated B&W photograps, source directory, index
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Prentice Hall Publishers, New York, NY.
United States
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