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The Only Thing That Matters: Bringing The Power Of The Customer Into The Center Of Your Business
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Albrecht, Karl
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For years his voice has been a call to top performance for American business: management guru and international consultant Karl Albrecht.
Albrecht’s approach fully engages five critical challenges facing every business:
• Finding the “Invisible Truth” about your customer
• Creating new, long-term rules for the Game
• Winning the hearts, minds and hands of your people
• Keeping track of improvements along the way
• Keeping score and leading the way
Beyond lip service, beyond seductively simple cosmetic approaches, Albrecht’s plan can only be achieved through a radical, bottom-up, top-down, total company commitment to the customer. This commitment changes the very essence of a business's values, culture, management structure, and style. His ideas have served as a powerful force to transform the inner workings of business whenever companies might have lapsed into complacency. Now he challenges American businesses to rise to the occasion — and enter a commitment that will transform it to its very core.
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Harper-Collins Publishers, New York, NY.
United States
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