Raphael Cushnir
Raphael Cushnir's heart opening came through the experience of profound grief. In the process he was both blessed and challenged by the inner awakening of earth-shattering shakti. It's this energy that he draws upon for his work. Raphael is also an award winning filmmaker. His film, Sexual Healing, was nominated for two Ace Awards and won Grand Prize at the Houston Film Festival.
Raphael's first book, Unconditional Bliss, was twice nominated as Best Personal Growth title of the year. His second book, Setting Your Heart on Fire. is used as a teaching tool in spiritual centers across the country. His brand new book is How Now: 100 Ways to Celebrate the Present Moment.
Workshop: Diving Deep: How Sexual Energy Reveals Your Essence
Saturday, January 20
Ballroom 10:45am to 12 noon
What would sex be like if we shed all our principles and expectations about it? What if we approached sex with a totally naked mind?
In such a void, we're often able to explode the limitations of false identity and unite with our true Self. This true Self is beyond the distinction of masculine and feminine, you and I, or even I and All.
Instead of being made love to, now we're made love through. In these moments, what roars between ourselves and our lovers are the deepest, wildest forces of creation. These forces can be summoned and honored, but not controlled. It's by learning to surrender to them that we realize, and actually experience, our divinity.
Join us for this safe and supportive workshop. Together, through non-erotic exercises, we open new channels of awareness and connection. Get ready to penetrate the final veils of your resistance. Be prepared to receive more deeply than you had imagined possible.
Please note: At the close the workshop you will receive optional "homework" assignments, suitable for both singles and couples, that will help you get the very most out of Raphael's intensive the following Tuesday.
To understand and experience the vital role of sexuality in achieving maximum health and wellness.
Learning Objectives:
- Gain new perspectives on gender roles and sexual identity
- Use sexual energy to foster mindfulness and relaxation
- Learn the essential connection between sexual awareness and emotional intelligence.
Workshop: Surfing Your Sexual Edge: Liberation Lurks where Angels Fear to Tread
Tuesday, January 23
New Mexico Room 2:00pm to 4:30pm
A die-hard feminist has fantasies of being forcibly taken. A classic man's man can't stop dreaming about transexuals. A seemingly happy couple compulsively pursues additional partners. With all these seeming contradictions, what's really going on?
Children act out their inner life with each other on the playground. Adults do it in bed. The difference is that adults are able to bring consciousness to their play, which can in turn lead to healing, growth, and even enlightenment. But all of that requires a fierce commitment to self-revelation. We must be willing to see our sexual preferences, blocks, and fantasies as emotional mirrors. We must recognize the unique way they have of amplifying our most crucial, yet hidden, aspects. Beneath all of tantra's rituals and practices, such recognition is at its very core.
This program, in a super-accepting environment, will allow you to illuminate your own sexual shadows. It will help you discover the split-off parts of yourself that are clamoring for attention. It will help you integrate these energies for maximum wholeness, ecstasy, and realization.
Please note: 1) As you traverse this sometimes scary territory, sharing with others will always be optional. 2) Raphael's Saturday workshop, though not a prerequisite, is suggested..3) Survivors of sexual trauma are encouraged to email Raphael (mailto:[email protected]) or talk with him prior to the workshop to see if it's a good fit.
To understand the way sexuality can reveal, and heal, deep-seated inner-conflict.
Learning Objectives:
- Gain insight into the origin of one's "sexual style"
- Explore ways to expand one's sexual style
- Experience greater sexual freedom, choice and well-being.
