Joan Heartfield, PhD
Joan has been teaching Divine Feminine workshops with Caroline Muir since 1994. In the beginning this work was with women only. For the past two years, Joan has focused her energy on developing the training to include men, and is continuing to develop workshops for men and women. Joan and her husband Tomas are innovators in the Art of Relationship. They are the creators of Conversations That Matter, Opening to Love Ceremonies and Romancing the Beloved. They write a weekly Talking Hearts column on relationship issues and have authored Romancing The Beloved.
Their work supports spiritual integration and a realistic approach to life. A counselor and guide for over 25 years, Joan brings a loving heart in combination with a profound wit to the consciousness of her work. Her transmission around relationship inspires and awakens others to what is possible. In addition to her PhD in Counseling Psychology, Joan has an MFA in Dance, Drama and Theatre. She brings an integrated, joyful and radiantly alive presence into her workshops, classes, seminars and private practice. Her teachers include Dr. Stanislav Grof, Drs. Hal and Sidra Stone, Dr. Irv Katz, Jack Kornfield, Joseph Campbell, Angeles Arrien, Swami Muktananda, Swami Sachidananda, John Grey, Charles and Caroline Muir and Dr. Harville Hendrix. Joan has helped thousands of people find deeper meaning and aliveness in their own search for wholeness in a challenging world.
Workshop: The Divine Feminine
Monday, January 22, 2007
Ballroom 2:00pm - 3:30pm and 4:00pm - 5:30pm
This program educates you about the mysteries of the feminine from sexual to spiritual. Aligning with our yin feminine essence allows us to relax more deeply into the mystery. It creates a balance with our yang masculine energy thus giving us more harmony and the ability to integrate all our life experiences.
Learning Objectives:
• Unveiling the practice of the NAH (Nurturing, Awakening, Healing) for all chakra centers
To more fully understand the feminine by opening Pandora's box and listening to the messages of hope
To shine awareness on inherited patriarchal myths that still rule our lives
