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Anti-Gravity Handbook
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David Childress
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The book that blew minds and had engineers using their calculators is back in print in a new expanded compilation of material on antigravity, Free Energy, Flying Saucer propulsion, UFOs, Suppressed Technology, NASA Coverups and more.
Highly illustrated with patents, technical illustrations, photos and more, this revised and expanded editions has more material, including photos of Area 51, Nevada, the governments secret testing facility, Australian Secret Facilities, plus a rare reprint of Space, Gravity & the Flying Saucer by Leonard D. Cramp. This classic on weird science is back in a 90s format!
How to build a flying saucer
Read about Arthur C. Clark on antigravity
Learn about crystals and their role in levitation
Secret government research and development
Nikola Tesla on how antigravity airships could draw power from the atmosphere
Bruce Cathies antigravity Equation
NASA, the Moon and antigravity
Plus more
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Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, IL.