Chris James
Chris is a pioneer of Voice and Sound and has taught internationally for over 20 years. His expertise is in the energetic qualities and effects of healing sound, song and meditation. A singer, musician, martial artist, monk, voice therapist, his CDs are played in prenatal courses, birthing suites, doctors’ surgeries, hospital emergency wards, hospices and medical clinics. Chris founded The International School of Sacred Sound, The Sound Foundation charity and is patron of the UK College of Sound Healing. He is renowned for his ability to unite audiences of thousands in song and also facilitate intimate groups.
Keynote: Songs From The Inner Heart
Tuesday, November 18 - 9:00am to 10:15 am
Imagine if we TRULY loved the sound of our own voice. Over time we have shut down our listening because there is so much that we don’t want to hear. When the imposed mind is bypassed we can connect to that part of ourselves that CAN hear and DOES sing in tune… the part of us that is truly free.
Chris facilitates your journey moving from the gentle breath meditation into stillness from where tone is formed. Everyone’s voices emanate harmoniously merging into one connected sound.
Goal: To return to daily life with a new template of clarity informing our choices and how we live.
Learning Objectives:
- To explore when we come ‘into tune’ naturally creating harmony in our lives and releasing energetic blocks that have kept us disempowered,
- To discover how pure, simple sounds begin the journey into true joy and harmony with our natural voice and to realize that everyone has a beautiful voice, and
- To be aware of the energetic effects of sound.
Workshop: The Healing Power of Esoteric Sound
Tuesday, November 18 - 2:00pm to 4:30pm
Esoteric sound emanates the intelligence of the inner heart. Participants learn how to make sound from stillness and experience the joy, expansion and clarity it brings to all areas of life. Rediscover your natural healing voice, your gentle breath and all the potential it offers. The vibration of sound emanates an energetic quality and sends out information. Experience how this information is felt and received by the human body.
Goal: To discover what sound healing is and how it starts with our own inner awareness.
Learning Objectives:
- To realize the effects our aural environment has on us,
- To develop the awareness to access our ‘feeling’ or intuitive body, returning us to our natural state of clairsentience, and
- To release the physical, emotional and mental blocks which keep us from hearing, expressing and creating our lives in truth.