Photo Gallery
International Conference on Sacred Sexuality
International Conference on Shamanism
International Sound Healing Conference
International Conference on Science and Consciousness
International Conference on Sacred Sexuality
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Caroline and Charles Muir at their Keynote Address: Tantra: The Art of Conscious Loving
Margot Anand and Nicki Scully at Conference
Margot Anand presents: The Secret Keys to the Ultimate Love Life
Andrew Harvey chatting with conference attendee Actress Ali McGraw
Andrew Harvey presents: Sexual Liberation, Tantra and Sacred Activism
Conference attendee Actress Ali McGraw
The International Conference on Shamanism
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Nicki Scully presents: Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt
Delegation of Shamans from Mongolia including Chief Shaman Zorigbaatar Banzar.
Hank Wesselman acknowledges his Kahuna Teacher
Greg Tamblyn Conference Weaver and MC with Message Company founder James Berry
White Eagle Medicine Woman with Grandmother Drum
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International Conference on Sound Healing
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Fabien Maman, a presenter from France, offers the World Premier of his Ensemble at a Special Evening Event |
Pat Moffitt Cook takes us on a tour of indigenous sound healers |
Two attendees practicing during a break
Don Campbell wrapping-up his book signing session
Some attendees bring their own instruments
Joshua Leeds mesmerizes a packed audience
John Diamond, MD, demonstrating the role the unconscious plays in the healing power of music
Presenter Sharry Edwards being interviewed for radio
Jacotte Chollet, a presenter from France, chats with an attendee
Three presenters: Don Campbell, Silvia Nakkach and Christine Stevens
Kids are welcomed to our conferences. Inspire Children Early
Some happy Sound Healing presenters
Restaurant at the La Fonda Hotel, Our host facility
Conference Book Store A very popular place
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Some of the Sound Healing Conference Exhibitors
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Barbara Holden being tuned by Wolfgang Deinert Lorler in the Tama-Do Sound Pyramid
An Opportunity to check out the latest Sound Healing technologies such as this VibroAcoustic Tactile Therapy Sound Massage Table
Astarius Reiki-Om plays healing didgeridoo on attendee
Ingrid Bung plays a flute she made
Crystal Tones Singing Bowl being demonstrated
Sianna Heart seeing her voice on the Cymascope
Raphael Weisman tunes one of the Lorian Harps he's built
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International Conference on Science and Consciousness
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John Demartini discusses Unconscious Motives
John Demartini with Message Company staff members Barbara Holden and Bonnie McGahee
Larry Dossey in his keynote: The Spectrum of Health: Thinking Unthinkable Things
Richard Moss describes The Mandala of Being
View from La Fonda Hotel, La Terraza Room balcony
Mongolian Shaman
Zorigtbaatar Banzar
John Diamond in workshop Accessing the Healing Power of the Unconscious Mind to Relieve Our Deepest Anguish
David Abram in keynote Earth and Mind
Packed house during Norm Shealy's keynote The Consciouseness of Health and Longevity
James O'Dea in a spirited dialog during his workshop: Science, Peace and Transformation
Marta Williams instructs participants on how to communicate with animals and nature
Judith Orloff has a dialog with an attendee during her keynote: Discovering Your Intuitive Gifts in Everyday Life
Christine Page in her workshop: The Alchemy of Healing
Dean Radin and John Diamond in discussion during coffee/tea break
Huston Smith workshop: The Human Spirit in the Third Millenium: Light at the End of the Tunnel
Russell Targ has an informal Q&A with attendees after his workshop: The Observer Observed: Spiritual Inplications of Psychic Abilities |
Amit Goswami discusses Quantum Creativity and Healing
Mathew Cross, Martin Gray, Michael Hopp
Peter Russell
captivates full house with his Keynote
Steven Halpern explains how plants respond to different kinds of music
Dale Pond's Atlin A free energy device
Click here to go to The 2008 International Science and Consciousness Conference
Attendee listens to plants response to touch
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