Several hundred of the top artists and craftspeople in the United States and
Canada flew and drove to Santa Fe, New Mexico for this incredible event.
I came to The Marketing Conference simply wanting a jump start for my business and instead I was gladly jolted into a world of practical, creative and lasting ideas for marketing. I also experienced a breakthrough by truly feeling and experiencing that marketing is the same creative energy I use to make art.
Claire Crain, clay and metal artist
Scrap, Scrounge & Divine
Cerrillos, New Mexico |
You missed out as this was a one-time-only event.
We hired a professional camera crew at the last minute to come and video the
entire Marketing Conference and then had the tapes professionally edited and
So now you can get the Marketing Conference-in-a-Box for Artists and
Craftspeople and get the same marketing and publicity secrets that the attendees received.
The bootcamp allowed me to step out of my fear of marketing. Armed with more knowledge in 3 short days than I had acquired in the past two years, I felt confident and inspired to start hitting the pavement instead of cowering in my studio. Thank you for providing so many different, current (state of the art) ideas for marketing in the new millennium!
Jennifer Knollenberg, jewelry designer
Elegant Alchemy Designs
Albuquerque, New Mexico |
Jay Levinson, the author of Guerrilla Marketing, shared a wealth of innovative ideas during his presentation on Guerrilla Marketing for Artists and Craftspeople. With Jay’s high-speed delivery, you’ll probably want to put this video on pause frequently so you can digest all the ideas for increasing your name recognition, fame, sales and most importantly profits.
Some of what Jay covers:
• learn what marketing really is
• why sales numbers are unimportant and what you do need to focus on
• discover what stimulates right-brained people to buy from you
• what the 4 directions are for growing your business exponentially
• learn what fusion marketing is
• learn what memes are and why they are more important than logos
Jay Conrad Levinson had coffee with me in 1983 and it changed my life forever. Jay has forgotten more about effective marketing techniques than most of us will ever know. He’s the man.
Seth Godin, bestselling author of Permission Marketing and Unleashing the Ideavirus |
Listening to Jay is like trying to get a drink of water from a firehose. A few more things he covered:
• why advertising doesn’t work and what does
• learn about and hear an example of permission marketing
• get the 10 steps you need to succeed with a Guerrilla Marketing Attack for Artists and Craftspeople
• discover 6 ways to market online
• find out where to get FREE classified ads
• know what the 8 elements of a successful website are miss 1 or 2 and your website will fail to perform most people miss at least 3 of these 8 elements
• discover the 3 areas to focus website investment in most people only focus on 1
• identify the 12 personality characteristics of a successful guerrilla marketer the good news here is that artists and craftspeople are naturally strong in most of these this will help you figure out if there are any of the 12 to pay a little extra attention to
• learn the number of times a message needs to be seen/heard to result in sales
• listen to Jay reveal the 12 monumental secrets of guerrilla marketing
All of the above (and much more) is on just one video. You’ll receive 16 other
videos crammed with tools that will allow you to earn more money from your art.
Click Here To Order Online!
My successful painting career came to an abrupt halt and I knew it meant change, but I thought it was just about the art. Now I see that opportunities are everywhere and that’s what the change is really about. As a bonus, my creativity and energy are bounding!
Alex Potter, artist
Smile Across The Nile
Hutchinson, Kansas |
Andrea Adler, who is a professional publicity, public relations and marketing expert, shared:
• how passion can translate into success
• a powerful Future Visioning exercise which, after watching this video, you can use to benefit your business and your life
• how to create 3 different Sound Bytes about ?what you do? getting your potential customers wanting to know more
• what your customers want to read and see in your brochures and press releases
Andrea Adler presented a powerful experience of the spiritual aspects of my work as an artist. The meditative experience moved me to a deep awareness of my path as an artist, including a balanced life.
Karen Wight, sculptor, jeweler
Santa Fe, New Mexico |
James Dillehay is a weaver and also the author of The Basic Guide to Selling Arts and Crafts, The Basic Guide to Selling Your Crafts on the Internet and Guerrilla Marketing: The Artisan’s Way. James is a fine artist and a true guerrilla marketer. He is now bringing in over $250,000 per year and, at this bootcamp, he spills the beans about how he does it.
In listening to James Dillehay, I realized how I can create from an idea I’ve had for many, many years.
I’m very excited about this. I plan to increase my sales at least 100%, as well as create a web business.
Tara Van Meter Barrett, glass artist
Van Meter Studios
Dawsonville, Georgia |
In the video of James Dillehay’s session, Creating a Vision for Your Business:
• learn how to create a 7 step marketing plan
• determine the benefits people get by buying your work
• recognize what your niche is
• get clear about who your audience really is
• uncover what tactics to use to reach your audience
• realize what your identity is (this is NOT your image know the difference for more effectiveness)
• learn the 5 reasons why people buy art and crafts
• learn the 7 confidence builders for a potential customer position yourself and your products to meet these and watch sales soar
• identify the 7 habits of Successful Artists
• hear about the artist/poet hippie couple who sold part of their business for $700,000,000
(Yes! That’s 700 million dollars)
• become a master of Marketing Without Advertising
• learn about creative ways to use the Chamber of Commerce and Visitor’s Bureaus for low-cost marketing
• learn how to make more money from pieces that you’ve already sold!
(This blew me away WOW!)
• learn about 1 artist who earned $100,000,000 per year from licensing his work
• learn where artists and craftspeople can get free legal advice
• learn about the Arts in Public Places programs
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Creating a marketing plan seemed overwhelming, and never was a strong part of my business plan. Now, after these workshops, I know I can create a marketing plan that uses my time wisely and helps me reach new customers to expand my business next year to $100,000 in sales, and allows me to hire a full time sales manager. For the first time, I am confident that I can make a living doing all the things that I love.
Karen-Joyce Giese-Koch, artist, photographer, writer
In Their Hands Traditional Arts
Las Vegas, New Mexico |
You may have Bernard Kamoroff’s best selling book, Small
Time Operator: How to Start Your Own Business, Keep Your Books, Pay Your Taxes and Stay Out of Trouble. Many artists and craftspeople do. In his session
on Running a Cottage Industry: Everything You Need to Know, Bernard shares:
• the 3 essentials of a successful business
• discover the one personal trait that all successful artists and craftspeople have
• learn how to save money on licenses and permits
• discover why to use an EIN instead of your personal social security number
• know when to collect sales tax and when you don’t need to
• when to have liability insurance and when to skip the cost
• discover the right way to have your spouse and children working for you
• how to make a donation and write off 100% (not just materials costs)
Not only did people pay for this event they flew in from Canada to Florida, Maine to California. They had the added expenses of airfare, meals, hotel and ground transportation. You’re lucky for a fraction of the cost you can relax in the comfort of your own home and view these videos at your own pace. AND you can see them as many times as you want.
Some of these sessions took place concurrently at the live event people had to choose between the two you will be receiving both so you won’t miss a thing.
The sooner you watch them, the sooner you will be able to put these money making ideas to use in your own business. |
I wish I would have had this information 30 years ago. I don’t understand why this kind of knowledge is not taught in art school. I never realized there were cut and dried proven tactics for marketing. It would have saved me a lot of agony to have had this course at the beginning of my career.
Mary Bates Neubauer
sculpture, public art, digital printing
Chandler, Arizona |
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We were extremely fortunate to have Michael Woodward from England, the guru of art and design licensing, as a presenter at The Marketing Conference for Artists and Craftspeople. He is the founder of Art Licensing International and has already licensed over $600,000,000 representing artists and designers like you.
Learn how to be paid over and over and over again for the same work!
Michael offered 3 sessions during the conference covering the total process for creating your own licensing program. First he covered Reproduction Rights. With this video, you’ll learn:
• exactly when copyright goes into effect
• how long copyright lasts
• best format for claiming copyright
• how you can save lots of money in copyright registrations
• if someone infringes on your work what you must do immediately
• why to refuse work for hire and what to offer instead
• what to include in a simple copyright control system
• how to present your collection to Art Directors for licensing
• discover what potential clients are looking for
• know when to submit in their cycle for calendars, jig-saw puzzles, etc.
• learn what the typical advances, flat fees and royalties are for Calendars, Greeting Cards, Posters and Prints, Party Goods, Collectibles, Gifts and Stationery
• what to avoid in Agreements with clients
• why you should always cross out the word assignment and what to replace it with
• how you can keep up with buying trends
• know the 7 secrets of success in the licensing field
Did you know that Licensing has grown from $10 billion to over $175 billion in just 20 years? Artist brands have become big business with artists like Thomas Kinkade and Ann Geddes creating huge licensing programs worth millions of dollars in revenue. If this is of interest to you, this video (and the accompanying notes see bonuses) will teach you how to get a piece of the action.
One person said she had always wanted to create and sell limited edition prints and giclees, but didn’t know how to get started or even where to find the information. Now, with what she learned in Michael Woodward’s presentation, she’s enthused and grateful because she knows how to make her dreams come true. |
Michael’s second presentation, The Self-Publishing Artist, covers even more ways to increase your income by self publishing limited edition giclees as well as postcards, greeting cards and other products. The digital revolution gives you opportunities to enter areas of the industry which were impossible until a few years ago. Learn how to harness this new technology and use it to build a more profitable business without carrying inventory and spending huge
sums on printing.
In this video, Michael gives you even more ideas for creating multiple income
streams from your art and designs.
• learn about open and limited editions, artist’s proofs, lithographic prints, giclees, etc.
• how to insure quality when dealing with printers or buying equipment, paper and inks
• get some great guidelines for pricing in relation to originals
• know how many prints per edition creates the most demand
• discover 15 ways to promote your limited editions
• how to get a piece of the $7.5 billion greeting card industry
• discover 10 different outlets for marketing your cards
The information provided by Michael Woodward and Jay Levinson proved to be invaluable, as well as inspiring. My wife and I are considering going into the greeting card and licensing business and the info answered exactly the questions we had. Most importantly, it gave us ideas on how to thrive doing the thing we love to do most.
Benjamin Hummel, painter, illustrator
Hummel Illustrations
Golden, Colorado |
For a minimal investment in this Marketing Conference-in-a-Box, you’ll get
so many ideas that you’ll recoup your investment many times over.
Click Here To Order Online!
I was the youngest participant. It is incredible that these crucial topics are not taught in school. I don’t know if I would have ever had a chance at success without coming here. I know I can triple what I now make.
Eleanor Elizabeth Yates, mural painter
Eye Murals
Greeley, Colorado |
Internet Marketing Is it Geek to you?
Forrist Lytehaause knows all the insider tricks about internet marketing and happily shares them with you. For example Did you know that Yahoo is not a search engine?
• learn Insider Secrets of how to capture your share of traffic from Yahoo to increase your traffic from 10 to 100 fold
• learn the most cost effective way to get prospects to your website
• learn how to sell through online auctions
• boost your site profits with affiliate programs
• discover why and how to track visitors and sales
This conference greatly expanded my understanding of marketing, especially the use of the computer and its proper use in attracting traffic. I expect to greatly increase next year’s income.?
Marc Gottfried, artist, painter
American Revival Art Company
Lakewood, Colorado |
I even decided to share, for the first time in public, how I was able to get over a million dollars in free raw materials for my previous crafts business. The same creativity that drives you to make art can help you find resources you never dreamed would be available for free. It’s all in the video of my presentation Accessing Free Raw Materials for Crafts.
Find out:
• how to get started
• where to look for what you want
• how free materials can be substituted for items you have been paying hundreds or even thousands of dollars for
I even created new products to sell just to use certain materials that were
available for free!
The Marketing Conference has shown me how to get my work out there and taken away the mystery that usually surrounds marketing. I want to create multiple streams of income and triple my income next year.
Rita Zaudke, artist
Rita Zaudke Studio
Wichita, Kansas |
I’ve mentioned a few points covered in just 7 of the 17 videos. But rather than add more pages to this letter, here’s a list of what you’ll receive (over 23 hours on 17 videos of the sessions you missed at the one-time-only Marketing Conference for Artists and Craftspeople):
Creating a Vision for Your Business
Running A Cottage Industry: Everything You Need To Know
Guerrilla Marketing for Artists and Craftspeople
Pricing for Maximum Profits
Increasing Perceived Value through Packaging
Selling at Craft Fairs
The Organized Artist: Understanding Copyright and Everything You Need to
Know for the Best Presentation
The Spiritual, Universal and Practical Laws of Creating Abundance for the Artist
Creating Multiple Income Streams
The Self-Publishing Artist Reproduction Rights: Manage & Maximize These
Valuable Assets
The Way of the Guerrilla and More Tips from the Guerrilla Marketing Guru
Art and Design Licensing
Basic Selling on the Internet and Harnessing Traffic
Advanced Internet Marketing: Pay-per-Clicks: Fast & Effective for Targeted
Harnessing Traffic and More Ways to Promote Online
Advanced Internet Marketing Secrets to Achieve Maximum Traffic: Proven
Methods that Produce Consistent Results
Internet Copyright & Legal Issues
Accessing Free Raw Materials for Your Crafts Business
Bonus Marketing Question and Answer Session: Presenters’ Panel
So don’t wait another minute. Sign up now for this amazing opportunity to
increase your income.
Click Here To Order!
This Marketing Conference was beyond my wildest expectations. I feel the enrollment fee was a deal for this bootcamp. I received far more than my money’s worth through excellent speakers and presentations. Thank you so much for putting on this event. I feel rejuvenated!
Marie Morrison, artist
Helenmarie Creations
Santa Fe, New Mexico |
Bonus #1
The Original Marketing Conference Program you’ll get the same program that attendees of the live event received.
Bonus #2
Handouts from the presenters as if you were there in person.
Bonus #3
The Million Dollar Directory of Sources, Resources, Wholesale Suppliers and Contacts for Artists & Craftspeople find new sources of supplies, shows to exhibit at, display booth and fixture vendors, intellectual property protection services, inexpensive printers and hundreds of other suppliers to make your life easier, to save you money and to operate your business more professionally.
Also included are hundreds of art and craft journals, magazines, newsletters, organizations and websites that you need to know about.
With this Directory, you’ll discover new resources to improve your business as an artist or craftsperson.
Bonus #4
Conference Notes when the conference was over and we had packed everything up, I ran into one of the conference attendees in the Whole Foods parking lot, who, besides being a photographer, is also a writer and former college professor.
She was showing me how she had filled up more than a whole legal pad with detailed notes from the conference sessions she attended.
I was so impressed by her note-taking ability and knowing the incredible value of those notes to you I paid her to type them up when she got back to Pennsylvania.
You will get these notes if you order quickly.
This bonus alone could be worth more to you than the total price of the whole package! You’ll be able to relax while watching the videos. You’ll already have a super set of notes.
Bonus #5
The Directory of Grants for Crafts get your share of $1 billion dollars in grant money given away every year! This directory shows you where the money is for artists and craftspeople and how to get it!
Bonus #6
Discount $68 off the $763 value of these videos.
Bonus #7
Free Shipping to anywhere in the United States
You will receive all 7 of these bonuses at no extra charge by ordering
Don’t delay! Order Now!
The sooner you fax, call or mail your order in, the sooner you will have what you need to double or triple your profits as some attendees are already starting to do. Click Here for Printable Order Form