John Demartini, DC
After a brief encounter with a 93 year old wise man who believed with certainty in his limitless potential, Dr Demartini made a commitment to dedicate his life to the understanding of universal laws as they relate to healing and human potential. As a result, he has avidly researched over 260 different disciplines, ranging from psychology to cosmology, economics to sociology, biology to theology.
Dr. Demartini created ‘The Demartini Method®’ of personal transformation designed to reduce stress, resolve conflict and open the heart and mind to a new way of viewing human psychology. He also founded the Demartini Institute, a private research, education and service institution dedicated to exploring and expanding the frontiers of human awareness and potential. The Demartini Institute has worked in partnership with education organizations in an effort to empower and inspire young adults from disadvantaged backgrounds. In the social sector the Institute is also running workshops assisting police men and women to awaken their inspiration and empower their leadership in order to assist with combating current crime challenges.
Dr. Demartini is the author of over forty books, including Count Your Blessings: The Healing Power of Gratitude and Love, You Can Have an Amazing Life in Just 60 Days, Beyond Blame, The Heart of Love and has created over 72 different courses, designed to assist individuals to maximize their awareness and potential in all areas of life.
Workshop: Maximizing Human Awareness and Tapping into an Inspiring Hidden Potential
Tuesday, March 31 - 2:00pm to 3:30pm and 4:00pm to 5:30pm
Individuals at every awakened moment live their lives according to a prioritized set of values. This valued hierarchy dictates their destiny by determining how they selectively perceive the world (attention), how they mentally retain information from the world (retention) and how they physically act upon the world (intention). When they set goals that are incongruent with their highest values their actions appear to become self-defeating. Great certainty, leadership and accomplishment and the fulfillment of an inspired life demand congruency. Either, values must be aligned with goals, or goals must be aligned with values if maximum awareness and potential are to be obtained.
Goal: To demonstrate how to tap into one’s vast hidden human potential.
Learning Objectives:
- To learn how to clearly determine and define our hierarchy of values,
- To understand we can change our values at will,
- To learn how we can set congruent goals that align with our values,
- To learn how to remain disciplined, focused and reliable, and
- To discover how to become inspired from within, without requiring outside motivation.