James Forleo, DC
Dr. Forleo specializes in holistic health and has over thirty years of clinical experience in chiropractic, spinal biomechanics, applied kinesiology, clinical nutrition and cranial osteopathy. He is an educator, workshop leader, writer, musician and teaches a variety of classes on multidimensional health, clinical nutrition, muscle testing, total body cleansing, and cranial osteopathy. He is also an international speaker on healing for the whole person. A graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic, Dr. Forleo is a member of several national organizations. He is author of Health Is Simple, Disease Is Complicated.
Workshop: Multidimensional Health and Healing
Saturday, March 28 - 10:45 am to 12:00 pm
Multidimensional health is a natural experience for human beings. Disease, on the other hand, is totally abnormal. All of us have the innate ability to tap into the unlimited healing power of our internal wisdom and to follow its guidance and direction to an experience of vibrant health and well being.
Dr. Jim will explore the contrast and the consequences of focusing our attention and energy on health and disease. Participants will not only discover the cause of their own health, but will become aware of how their efforts at healing are reflected back in their physical bodies.
Participants will directly experience the multidimensional nature of health as we explore the solutions behind the structural, biochemical, mental, emotional and spiritual components of health.
Goal: For participants to discover the language of their bodies and to more actively participate in their own healing process.
Learning Objectives:
- Participants will assess their bodies and the meaning of their signs and symptoms,
- Participants will discover their body types and the key factors of an ideal diet and
- Participants will observe and experience the unlimited power of their inner healing wisdom.